Risk & Business Magazine Gifford Associates Spring 2017 | Page 5

16 feature WELCOME ABOUT TED * : A TALE OF EMPOWERMENT CONTENTS 5 LETTER FROM THE OWNER 6 GIFFORD COMMUNITY FEATURE News & Events 7 THE EVOLVING WORLD OF UAV REGULATION Unmanned Systems Canada Welcome back! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our friends, suppliers, clients, and potential clients who have provided us with positive feedback regarding our production of this magazine. I realize it’s a different method of communicating than most of us are familiar with, almost “counter culture,” and I am OK with that notion. I am not suggesting we are employing a Steve-Jobs-type of “break the mould” marketing campaign. But while we do things differently here at both Gifford Associates and Carr & Company, are we different enough? Does this magazine make enough of a difference? Are we lost in the “wash” of an industry that no one likes or where no one perceives any difference between the players, insurers and brokers? As I write this, I think back to Jerry Maguire’s mission statement 8 ROXBOROUGH BUS LINES: Family, Community, Service of how a sports attorney should represent his or her clients, 9 PROSPECTS FOR PENNIES Find Gold In Abandoned Advertising 10 CUSTOMER SERVICE VS. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Knowing The Difference 12 UNMISTAKABLE HABITS OF IRRESISTIBLE PEOPLE 14 ONE DAY A WEEK This Entrepreneur More Than Doubled His Revenue professional athletes. While I realize it was a movie, the mission statement is an interesting read (it can be found on the Internet, all seven pages). The statement talks about the changes in the sports business: losing the “personal” part of the business, being honest with ourselves and with clients, and to forget the “dance.” Maybe most people don’t care given the subject matter of insurance; maybe they don’t care about the personal aspect. But we do. That’s our mission statement, and perhaps that is “breaking the mould.” Sincerely, 20 COACHING: It’s An Ongoing Process 22 SEVEN SIGNS YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL 24 TOPGRADING SNAPSHOT How I Avoided A Costly Mis-Hire In One Minute 25 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HAVING TOYS Jim Mahood GIFFORDASSOCIATES.CA 29 TIPS FOR A DRY HOME 30 NEW MTO CHANGES And H0w They Could Affect Your Business 5