canoeing slalom is an Olympic discipline whose aim is to go in the shortest possible time and without penalty , on a kayak or canoe , whitewater channel whose technical difficulty is increased by doors must. This sport is controlled by the International Canoe Federation ( ICF).
According to the rules of the Royal Spanish Slalom Canoe Federation , the tour will feature a number between 18 and 25 gates, which must be stamped correctly and in sequence . It must be fully navigable and equitable paddlers left-handed and right in C-1. Its minimum length is 250 m, and the maximum of 400 m, and orientativamente should be done in a time of about 100 s on a boat from category K -1 male . The distance between the last gate and the finish line must not be less than 15 m or more than 25 m . This mode canoeing first appeared at the Olympics in Munich in 1972 , celebrated in Augsburg Eiskanal . In the 1992 Barcelona Olympics they were held in the Parque del Segre in La Seu d' Urgell.
The doors consist of one or two vertical poles that define a support hanging , and a white or yellow tablet indicating the order number door step and sense , being diagonally barred the number in the wrong direction , and unslashed correct. They are between 1.2 and 4 m wide , and by color must be broken in the direction of the current (green and white doors ) or counter to the current or lift ( red and white doors ) sense. Of the latter there can only be between 6 and 7 on the course. Each door is arranged so that the lower end of the sticks gave approximately 20 cm of the water surface , and not accidental movement by the latter.
Slalom canoeing