Rio 2016 j | Page 13

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Boating is a sport that was inspired by the Eskimos as they used kayaks for hunting in the Arctic waters, although it is unclear to this day the exact origin of the kayak itself.

It is supposed to be the oldest vessel that is used today as is estimated to have more than 3000 years. They were used by the aleuitanos peoples, the Inuit of northern Canada, which left their heritage with the Canadian Canoe, Norse Greenland and Iceland, Lapps of northern Europe and the Koryak and Chukchi tribes of Siberia.

According to some historians, the word kayak means "clothes to walk on water" as it was built to the exact measurements of the rower; others indicate that means "man-boat". In the Inuit society, children could not use these vessels and only upon reaching the age of majority, and definitive measures, the family, almost a ritual act, he built his kayak. It was said that if an Eskimo went hunting and did not return was because he had used a borrowed boat.

The Eskimos also created special garments for this activity as the anorak, made with tripe birds among other materials, had also developed a type of spray skirt that covered all but the face of the rower.

They developed also techniques such as roll (known in these parts as the Eskimo roll), that allowed righting quickly in case of a rollover, because exposure to freezing water could kill them in a few seconds, it is also known that the Eskimos did not know swim.


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