Rio 2016 j | Page 15


The BMX ( bicycle motocross acronym ) is an acrobatic cycling mode whose origin is in California.

The BMX is an extreme sport that should be practiced with appropriate security they give us the following objects : helmet , knee pads, elbow pads, gloves and wide cloth or plastic shoes. The bike has to be in good condition to avoid accidents. Currently, there are specialized places for sports like skatepark.


The BMX was considered an Olympic sport in 2008, making his debut at the Beijing Olympics 2008.1 In trial mode and circuit (race). two qualifying rounds in Single mode or race against the clock and performed three rounds of quarterfinals are made. Compete a total of 48 athletes, 32 in the male category and 16 in women.

For that year, the men's gold went to the Latvian māris štrombergs, the silver medal went to American rider Mike Day and bronze for fellow American Donny Robinson. The first female podium at the Olympics was for the French Anne-Caroline Chausson brokerage, second place for the French Laëtitia Le Corguillé and third place for American Jill Kintner.

Games of London 2012, gold was female competitor for the Colombian Mariana Pajon, silver for New Zealander Sarah Walker and Laura Smulders bronze for the Netherlands. In the men's gold went back to Maris Strombergs of Latvia (his second Olympic gold), silver for the Australian Sam Willoughby and bronze for the Colombian Carlos Oquendo. The winner of the

BMX, in terms of medals, was Colombia, to take first place with a gold medal and a bronze of Carlos Oquendo, the second place went to Latvia with a gold medal, the third was for Australia with Sam Willoughby, and New Zealand with Sarah Walker, and the fourth for the Netherlands with Laura Smulders.

In the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, the men's gold went to Connor Fields US, the silver medal for Jelle Van Gorkom of Holland and the Bronze for Carlos Ramirez of Colombia. As for the female form, the gold medal went to Mariana Pajon of Colombia (First woman to win the tests in two Olympic games London and Rio), the silver medal was for Alise Post US and Bronze for Stefany Hernandez of Venezuela.

Jamie White

Marketing&Advertising Expert


