Riley Bennett Egloff Magazine 1 | Page 5

RBE attorneys were honored to have Justice Massa join them at their Firm Lunch on October 19 , 2016 . Justice Massa spoke about his experiences in the practice of law and his role and duties as a Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court . Justice Massa practiced law with RBE in 2011 .
reasonable cost . The ISBA Technology and Law Practice Management committees can support this effort .

3Non-lawyer equity interests in law firms . The Rules of Professional Conduct should be amended to permit non-lawyers to own not more than 49 percent of the equity of a law firm . In addition , minority , non-lawyer ownership should be non-voting to ensure that the lawyer ’ s independence is not compromised . Lawyers in such firms would continue to be subject to all of the rules requiring absolute loyalty to clients . An equity investment in a law firm need not impinge on a lawyer ’ s independence any more than a law firm ’ s indebtedness , which is permitted . This would provide lawyers with access to resources to acquire the technology that can improve their practices and client services .

4Pro se coordinators in courthouses . The state should provide and pay for a coordinator for unrepresented civil litigants in each Indiana county . After a civil case is filed in a court by a pro se plaintiff or a pro se defendant makes an appearance , the coordinator will contact and encourage the pro se party to have a consultation . During the consultation , the coordinator will inform the party of the practices , procedures and applicable rules of the court . The coordinator will not provide legal advice to the party , but will inform the party of the risks of proceeding without an attorney . The coordinator also will maintain a list of lawyers or referral programs available to assist or coordinate assistance to these parties on either a pro bono or full or reduced feefor-service basis , should a party request counsel or obviously need counsel ’ s assistance . This effort is not to encourage pro se litigants , but rather to manage the crisis confronting our courts .

Status : The Board of Governors approved the Report and Recommendations of the Future ’ s Committee which was posted on the ISBA website www . inbar . org / resource / resmgr / and in the July / August 2016 issue of Res Gestae . The Report and Recommendations were presented to the House of Delegates for action at the ISBA Annual Meeting on Sept . 30 . The House of Delegates considered the Report and Recommendations at the Annual Meeting and voted in favor of the first two recommendations , against the third , and the fourth was tabled .
James W . Riley Jr . is of counsel at Riley Bennett & Egloff LLP and the immediate past chair of the ISBA Future ’ s Committee . This column is taken in part from the Report and Recommendations of the committee . The opinions expressed are those of the author .
RBE attorneys were honored to have Justice Massa join them at their Firm Lunch on October 19 , 2016 . Justice Massa spoke about his experiences in the practice of law and his role and duties as a Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court . Justice Massa practiced law with RBE in 2011 .
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