RBE Helps Operation School Bell More Books Are Needed
Riley Bennett Egloff recently learned that books were needed as part of “ Operation School Bell ,” a philanthropic program of the Assistance League of Indianapolis that provides free school uniforms , school supplies , toiletries , underwear , coats , and books to kids at IPS whose social workers identify as in need . Books are an important part of the program , as many children in need lack the resources to regularly read books and are at risk of falling below their grade level in core literacy skills . In just a few days ’ time of learning of the need , Riley Bennett Egloff was able to donate more than 200 books , which will allow more than 100 kids to have books in their duffel bag of school supplies .
By providing students the basic supplies they need for school , Operation School Bell enables children to arrive at school ready to learn . Since 1984 , over 50,000 Indianapolis area students have been provided new clothing through Operation School Bell . Social workers and staff from the Indianapolis Public Schools and the
Metropolitan School Districts of Lawrence , Pike ,
Warren , and Washington Townships identify and refer the kindergarten through grade six students served by this program .
Operation School Bell donates more than 600 books each week to these children and is in dire need of more new or gently- used books . To learn more about Operation School Bell , the Assistance
League of Indianapolis , or how you can donate to the program , please visit the Assistance League website at www . alindy . org / operation-school-bell . html .
U . S . Department of Labor Announcement
By : Donald S . Smith , Attorney
Last summer , the U . S .
Department of Labor announced its regulations for the salary level of employees considered “ exempt ” from the overtime regulations . Previously , a salaried employee could be considered exempt under the regulations as long as the employee fit one of the exemptions ( such as executive , administrative , professional , or outside salesperson ) and had a weekly salary of at least $ 455 ($ 23,660 annually ). Effective December 1 , 2016 , the salary level was to be increased to $ 913 per week /$ 47,476 per year . Employees who receive salaries less than
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that amount would no longer be considered exempt .
The regulations also increased the salary level for “ highly compensated employees ” (“ HCEs ”). Instead of an exempt salary level of $ 100,000 annually , HCEs had to be compensated at the minimum salary level of $ 134,000 effective December 1 , 2016 .
The salary requirements were to be adjusted every three years beginning January 1 , 2020 based on an analysis of salaries being paid nationally .
However , just before the regulations were to take effect , a federal court in Texas ruled that the Department of Labor ’ s rule increasing the salary thresholds was unlawful . As a result of the court ’ s order , the Department of Labor was prevented from enforcing its new regulations .
We will be watching as the new administration begins to implement its own policies . For now , the salary tests remain at the level they were before December 1 , 2016 ( and have been since 2004 ).
6 Riley Bennett Egloff LLP - February 2017