Riley Bennett Egloff Magazine 1 | Page 4

By James W . Riley Jr . Riley Bennett Egloff Attorney

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The Indiana State Bar Association Future ’ s Committee

The advertising campaigns of AVVO and

LegalZoom have attracted consumers who want to use a DIY approach on legal matters or to confer with a lawyer for a nominal charge . Lawyers believe that these legal document and service providers are not serving the interests of clients because of concerns about the “ core values ” of the legal profession — competence , independence of professional judgment , attorneyclient privileged communications , protection of confidential client information , loyalty to clients through the avoidance of conflicts of interest , and pro bono publico commitments . Bar associations , including the Indiana State Bar Association , have acted to address the situation . ISBA President Carol Adinamis appointed the Future of the Provision of Legal Services Committee (“ Future ’ s Committee ”) to examine challenges to the profession from legal document and service providers and advances in technology .
Many Indiana lawyers struggle today to find jobs in the legal profession and many who are practicing law struggle to find clients to represent . Meanwhile , many Hoosiers with legal problems view hiring a lawyer as impractical . This mismatch hurts both lawyers and unrepresented clients . Some of these clients simply cannot afford to pay a lawyer . Others opt not to hire one . Lawyers must make the case for the value of having a lawyer and find ways to deliver legal services clients can afford and are willing to pay for . Lawyers must also adapt by continuing to use developing technologies to serve their clients by working better , faster , and cheaper .
After careful investigation and study , the Future ’ s Committee therefore made four recommendations for immediate action :

1Coordination of a public education campaign .

The ISBA should adopt and promote new ABA campaign materials that will be provided to inform the public of the important core values of the legal profession and the advantages of hiring a lawyer to handle legal problems rather than going it alone or working with unlicensed and unqualified nonlawyers . Special consideration in this effort must be given to using social media that is proving to be incredibly effective as a means of promoting ideas .

2ISBA law practice management staff position .

The ISBA should create a law practice management consultant staff position to support Indiana lawyers in their use of technology and other tools effectively to provide client services in a more efficient , competent and ethical manner , and at a
4 Riley Bennett Egloff LLP - February 2017