and helping other women craft their stories to share them with the world.
Accept your present moment -
In the words of that beloved guru, Ram Dass, “Be Here Now.” The past is past, the future has yet to happen, and all we have is right now. This is how much I weigh in this moment. This is where I live. This is the work I do. This is the relationship I am in. This is my community. If you find yourself wondering “what if,” which hinders you from taking action to move forward, consider making a gratitude list of the blessings you have now.
Love YOU -
When was the last time you said loving proclamations to yourself?
Not lately?
Let’s change that. Go to the mirror right now and say out loud to your reflection:
I love you. You are the most important person in my life. I’m so proud of the person you are.
______________(now you add a couple more and make them mush!)
Adjust your attitude -
Just the way you must be in the moment, you also are the only one who can change your attitude. Your perspective on life has a lot to do with your day-to-day enjoyment.
Do you wake up in the morning groaning about the list of chores you have to do today?
Or do you wake up with a smile thinking about all the activities you get to do to enrich your life?
Both scenarios probably include home-caring activities like laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, and yard work. For the person living in an efficiency apartment who loves plants, caring for their own yard may be heaven. It’s all about perspective.
My husband and I couldn’t wait to get out of apartment living and have a house in the suburbs with a yard and our own garage for our car. It meant more housework and yardwork, to be sure. It also meant we had arrived as adults with jobs and a mortgage. We
were living our dream.
Now is all we have -
Find the joy in where you are right now, what you are doing right now, and who you are with because life changes in an instant. You don’t have to live in a war zone to know that we are all one breath away from something catastrophic happening.
Covid touched us all. And if you can honestly say Covid didn’t impact your life, I’d like to talk to you about how you managed that.