RHG Magazine September 2022 | Page 26

Meet Kara Goss: Author, Speaker, Mentor

Join us in welcoming Kara Goss to our humble pages! She is a co-Author of the #1 International Best-Selling Book "Step into Your Brilliant Purpose", creator of the Multidimensional Soul Light Healing Modality, Quantum Healer, and Speaker. Her mission is to connect each person to the wholeness of the unified field and energetic medicine for each to remember their own inner innate intelligence that leads them to inner peace and coherence where miracles are commonplace and not the exception to the rule.    

Let's get a peek at her chapter!

At a time when mindful financial leadership and continued innovation are

imperative for the building of our new global economy in the era of global pandemic, Kasthuri and her company offer to be a value centric strategic partner - offering services in consulting, training, and coaching. Read on to learn about Kasthuri's expertise...

~ Share something you are passionate about:

I am absolutely passionate about writing and helping people connect to the quantum field that is beyond concept, belief, and ideology. There is just such an amazing and rapid transformation that occurs when we connect with the unified fields of source where we can just let go, knowing that all is already taken care of, and the guidance is from source creating through us. Aside from that, I am passionate about nature, hiking, and being life itself. 

~What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?

I have been working with people one on one and in groups for about 10 years now. I also travel, speak, appear on podcasts, and currently drafting another book titled “See the Soul” to share my perspectives and miracles I have seen not only personally in my own life, but in the lives of those who do their inner evolution. 

to share my perspectives and miracles I have seen not only personally in my own life, but in the lives of those who do their inner evolution. 

~ Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your chapter of Step into Your Brilliant Purpose:

Readers can discover ten tips for overcoming inner and outer adversity as they go on any hero’s journey of creating a destiny by answering a call to action. 

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader to help them step forward in their life powerfully? 

Many right now are struggling so much with pain, sadness, loss, and wondering about their direction in life. If it seems like the world is falling apart around you, do your best to not hold on to that which is falling away. Allow the new to come in, even if you have no idea what it means. 

B. Try different methods or strategies to figure out what works best for you; and

C. Remember that you only fail when you stop trying!

purpose and live a life of servant leadership (3) Hosting a weekly podcast Unleash Your Inner Goldilocks, How to Get It Just Right to take the message of centered mindfulness to a global audience to build a collaborative international community (4) Publishing Ennobled for Success to provide a blueprint for those who wish to explore this transformational journey.

~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Ennobled for Success, From Civil War to a US CFO:

Ennobled for Success is a reminder never to let our circumstances and attitudes of others define us. It aims to help readers take a journey within, find themselves, and relate to their “inner being” in an authentic manner to courageously embrace one’s soul and live life to its fullest. Every human interaction is an opportunity for our transformation. Our continued transformation is only hindered by our self-imposed limitations and blind spots. The process of getting ennobled to bring out our noble qualities help us take flight towards our purpose while being anchored to our authentic self.