RHG Magazine September 2022 | Page 25

hearts to an emotionally-led path to their highest selves, where unlimited possibilities unfold. 

~What are a few tips you can give our readers to help them step forward in their lives powerfully? 

For more information, Hilary can be reached online at

[email protected] or www.therelaunchco.com

alone cannot get you through your deeply-set roadblocks, it will simply keep you on the hamster wheel.  You have to FEEL it before you cannot just DO it, but first, you need to BELIEVE you can do it.  


~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?

The so-called “Great Resignation,” combined with the uncertain economic and health scenarios, have hit women especially hard, as they leave their jobs in record numbers.

However, many people don’t realize that this is not all bad news!  The fact is, at least a third of women who have left their jobs post-Pandemic have gone to higher-paying roles — averaging 30+% higher.  (Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/great-resignation-women-pay-gap-quitting-jobs-to-make-more-2022-3 And the entrepreneurship boom is being driven by women (Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/female-entrepreneurship-women-quitting-jobs-great-resignation-2022-5 ) Socioeconomic instability may be a fact of life, but so are opportunities to flip the script and RELAUNCH to live your best life, ever. 

1. Look inside yourself to realize and understand why you are doing what you do, 

2. Flip the script. For instance, you might be concerned about a job or a relationship and putting up an unconscious barrier. Instead of thinking, “I might not be good enough…”, say, “I AM good enough.”

3. Release this limiting belief by thinking back and realizing where it originated.  Maybe it started when someone- -a relative, friend, parent, teacher-- made a remark that has stuck with you and become a belief, basically stopping you in your tracks. Write a letter to yourself, releasing this thought, saying: I AM GOOD ENOUGH.  

~How would you empower our readers to SHINE?

It’s time for all of us to get out of our heads, into our hearts and start the transformational process from the inside out. Thinking about it is not enough. Thinking alone cannot get you through your deeply-set roadblocks, it will simply keep you on the hamster wheel.  You have to FEEL it before you cannot just DO it, but first, you need to BELIEVE you can do it.