RHG Magazine September 2022 | Page 24

We hope you enjoy this chance to "meet" Hilary. Founder and CEO of The Relaunch Company, Hilary DeCesare (she/her) is an award-winning former Silicon Valley CEO and international bestselling author helping thousands of women rediscover satisfaction and success within themselves and their careers using her coveted 3HQ™ method paired with transformational coaching. Her organization, the Relaunch Co, helps women in mid-points of their life who may feel stuck, stymied or ready for a re-set to blast through

barriers and amplify personal strengths to achieve seemingly impossible goals. Her trademarked, triple-play 3HQ™transformation process provides the tools, guidance and community that empower women to achieve and live in the brilliance of their best selves in work and in life. Read on for more about her mission and her latest book:

~Share something you are passionate about:

I am a passionate risk-taker and have jumped out of planes, confronted wild animals in Africa, and taken the leap into new career opportunities. The point is always to take that first step. 

~What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?

I’m hoping my business, The Relaunch.co., will give all women who seek a chance to relaunch their lives, especially in today’s uncertain times, a home where they can join a community of like-minded, achievement-oriented women and find the direction and support they are seeking, leveraging supportive tools like my new book, my award-winning podcast, The re-Launch with Hilary DeCesare, my weekly The Relaunch radio show on VoiceAmerica, and a range of exercises, quizzes, courses and counseling opportunities. 

more clarity, authentic creativity and new freedoms to be more truly YOU! I have a blog and write for theinnervoicemagazine.com monthly giving insight, inspiration and tools for awakening awareness and living your truth.

Meet Hilary DeCesare: Author, CEO, Founder of the Relaunch Co.

support they are seeking, leveraging supportive tools like my new book, my award-winning podcast, The re-Launch with Hilary DeCesare, my weekly The Relaunch radio show on VoiceAmerica, and a range of exercises, quizzes, courses and counseling opportunities. 

~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, ReLaunch! Spark Your Heart to Ignite Your Life:

Readers can look forward to looking at their lives from the inside out and learning the secrets of how the 3HQ™ Method can help them get out of their heads—which is a roadblock to over 95% of our beliefs and habits—and into their hearts to an emotionally-led path to their highest selves, where unlimited possibilities unfold.