For more information, Kara can be reached at or at k[email protected]
sadness, loss, and wondering about their direction in life. If it seems like the world is falling apart around you, do your best to not hold on to that which is falling away. Allow the new to come in, even if you have no idea what it means.
Expand your mind to do a total change and shift in a whole new direction if you need to. It is okay to let go of the personal identity to be reborn into something new.
That never feels easy, it can feel very dark, sad, and lonely but if you can for some time go into and allow the feelings to be felt without believing all the thoughts and the emotions that come as being you, but go into the stillness of your heart, connecting to the innate intelligence that knows you already then you will know peace within yourself again.
It is not easy, and it takes time but there is always the possibility in the limitless field of potential that you can align with when you let go of what you think you should be and who you think yourself to be.
~Will you share a client success story?
I have seen many clients have powerful success stories, and it is important to add that they are always the one doing the work, they are the one who are ready to receive. I still will say the most powerful success story had to do with a woman who had Charco Marie Tooth Syndrome which is a neurological
stories, and it is important to add that they are always the one doing the work, they are the one who are ready to receive. I still will say the most powerful success story had to do with a woman who had Charco Marie Tooth Syndrome which is a neurological condition and had no feeling in her feet and suffered from severe back pain. She had a session with me, and she was so open and knew she was ready to return to wholeness, so we connected to the energy and brought it in, the next morning she contacted me crying because she was in pain, I was like “OH NO!” And she just laughed and laughed. She was in pain because for years she walked on the stones out to her mailbox without shoes because she had no feeling in her feet at all. That morning she did what she had always done, only this time she had all her feeling back in her feet! She could not believe it; I was thrilled so much for her. Her physical pain was also gone.
~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our readers today to empower them to SHINE?
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share today?