RHG Magazine May 2021 | Page 14

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My New House and Thriving Foliage

Spring is my favorite season because the weather is perfect, not too hot and the slight wind at times feels great. The plants are beginning to bloom and are Ready to Thrive through the summer. 

I am not familiar with many different types of trees. So, when I moved to my new home in Pennsylvania in December, I was curious about what was going to grow in my yard.  I have 2 trees in the front with white flowers and in my back yard, there are strange brown hollow balls growing on another. This is a tree I have never seen and can’t wait to see what it will look like when it is thriving. 

There is a deck out my back door and under it are little pointy green leaves sprouting in about seven 12” circles. After the winter I cut back tall dead leaves that were left behind from last year’s bloom. This is another thing I am not familiar with and am excited to see so many getting

ready to grow and thrive. They look so strong already.

Just like the new leaves on the trees and bushes along with the new flowers slowly grow and thrive, so do we. We all have the capability of this same process. Sometimes the light in the fall into winter brings us down and we get tired and worn out easily. Once the sun begins to appear more steadily, we regain our strength and begin to feel up and empowered. 

Think about all the fun things to do in the warm months that excite you and this will get you Ready to Thrive again.  

To Thrive means to make strides, succeed, blossom, do well, flourish and prosper. 

We sometimes have challenges but there is always a way to overcome them and not just survive but THRIVE.  Just like the plants and foliage, we have cycles that sometimes are inevitable. My best advice is to go with the flow. 

Follow the cycle of nature. Take time to rest when it is necessary and use the time you have the energy to do the things that must be done.  Follow the messages from your body and you can thrive all the time. Our body is a great instrument in getting through our day. If you are feeling tired, take a short nap. Yes, you say you do not have the time, but you will be amazed at the difference it will make. You will feel refreshed and think clearly. If you push through your tiredness, you will slow down and not be at your optimum pace so it balances out time-wise.