RHG Magazine TM - May 2021 © All rights reserved.
that the life we thought we were going to have was actually going to unfold in the idyllic way we conjured up in our imagination
The life we are leading now probably is something you never imagined. Growing up in the Midwest, I always pictured myself living within a hundred miles from the farm. But my husband’s company closed their doors and he took a job in Colorado. Six years later, he took a job in California where we are right now. Both moves provided a new opportunity for me to create a new normal. Moving forced me to take on that challenge. But you don’t have to have anything as drastic to happen to you. Just know that every morning offers you the chance to choose to recreate what you had before, or step outside of what you knew into something brand new and amazing.
I chose to thrive in my new environment; my new normal.
To be successful in life is to be who you were born to be, who you were designed to be.
Recent times have made our world smaller in some ways and at the same time created a new perspective on the world.
For instance, large gatherings made the spread of the contagious virus a serious threat and we had to make new arrangements. Our normal meetings are now held on-line. Many of us are appreciating the convenience of no commuting and the opportunity to be present at far flung gatherings that we never would have attended previously. I could attend a networking meeting on the East Coast in the morning and hop on another networking event in the afternoon and have a leisurely lunch in between. I am loving the flexibility of being able to join national and international meetings from the comfort of my home office.
As far as the work from home pivot, that didn’t impact my normal at all. I already work from home. I’m looking forward to once again being able to rotate my remote office to a coffee shop, the library, or a picnic table in the park.
The truth is, the very beautiful truth, we create a new normal every morning. Whatever state the rest of the world is experiencing, you and I have the capacity and the responsibility to decide, determine, create, engineer, design and craft our normal for ourselves. Our world is what we make of it. On the physical level, of course, there may be others to consider who can impact implementation of our new normal. If there are small children in your life, they need you and depend on you right now. And I realize there may be other members of your household, or circumstances that you are not able to change. However, you are in charge of your attitude. On the emotional level, you are in charge of how you FEEL about everything. And that’s where our new normal is born, is nurtured, survives and thrives.
One of my favorite newspaper columnist described “normal as a setting on the washing machine.”
It’s up to you how you choose to view your New Normal as a joy-filled adventure on a quest for resolution.
While having a normal routine is a comfortable, our reality is that nothing stays the same. And I don’t think deep down you want it to.
You have the power to thrive in whatever situation you are experiencing right now.
What advice may I offer you to thrive?
(continued on page 15)
Feed your body, mind and spirit with nourishing ways to sustain you and allow yourself to thrive:
1. journal,
2. Read
3. Cook great food
4. spend time in nature
5. discover what you love
6. move your body
7. explore (get outside your comfort zone)
8. Pray
9. Meditate
10. _____________
Journaling has always been my way of reconciling what I perceive as my reality and what I want to happen. While I don’t always achieve the dreams I create on paper, sometimes things are far greater than I imagined. This is great comfort and confidence in seeing words on the page reflected in the life I am experiencing.
Evidence of my New Normal philosophy surrounds me.
I invite you to begin a journaling practice and discover your own version of your New Normal and thrive!