My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with
some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style. -Maya Angelou
What does it mean to thrive? To live your purpose? To be of service so that your soul is nourished as you fulfill your purpose?
It is obvious when a lawn, a garden or a plant is not being given water and light.
When we lack emotional nourishment, we fail to thrive.
Thrive on a personal and professional level.
To be authentic and thrive to your passion and purpose.
Thrive is to move forward with grace and courage.
We are pioneers discovering new adventures every day because every morning brings a landscape we have never seen before.
Our recent past is something we have never experienced before, and we learned how to create a new normal for ourselves.
Every day has the potential to be a daring adventure or a pale imitation of yesterday.
We choose how to approach life.
We choose to thrive.
When we choose to receive the good and make it great, then we thrive!
Then we truly thrive.
You can make a difference
just by being authentically you.
Unleash Your New Normal
RHG Magazine TM - May 2021 © All rights reserved.
Your story does matter!
Whether we ever know the impact we have had on anyone, we know the impact rewriting our story has on us. And the role it plays in the life we live today. The life we continue to live. And how we do so much more than survive, we thrive.
There’s no way of knowing