~ Will you share a client success story?
One of my clients had this to say "I recently attended a Youth Council Breakfast Conference and expected the usual typical speaker. However, this time was different. Donny Ingram gave me a new perspective on the way I look at life in general. He is full of informational facts, enlightening, exceptionally prepared, witty, speaks with clarity and meets you right where you are in both your personal and professional life. I highly suggest you give him a chance to speak to your group. He is VERY Dynamic and will hold your audience's attention the Entire time. He did mine!"
~ What advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?
Smile: Medical science has proven that a smile produces a hormone that strengthens your immune system, even when fake smiling. But they also discovered that anyone who sees you smile the same hormone is released in them.
~ Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?
I believe that people everywhere want to be successful. I hear people say they want happiness but what they are really saying is they want to be successful. However, so many people have allowed the world’s influences to infiltrate our minds and lives that they have forgotten, and even rejected, the truth of human behavior and success according to how our creator designed us. I love to share about the principles that will work when put into
~ Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Real Freedom:
- How to truly live free in every situation and overcome every
obstacle life brings.
- How to thrive in the age of instability.
- How to recognize the tools they are equipped with at birth
and how to employ them.
~ What are 1-3 tips you can give our readers to help them step forward in life?
1. Follow the this formula: Belief plus Behavior equals Results
2. Begin to re-think how you think about success and how it
is achieved.
3. Understand your first purpose: Communication with God!
~ Will you share a client success story?
~ Will you share a client success story?
One of my clients had this to say "I recently attended a Youth Council Breakfast Conference and expected the usual typical speaker. However, this time was different. Donny Ingram gave me a new perspective on the way I look at life in general. He is full of informational facts, enlightening, exceptionally prepared, witty, speaks with clarity and meets you right where you are in both your personal and professional life. I highly suggest you give him a chance to speak to your group. He is VERY Dynamic and will hold your audience's attention the Entire time. He did mine and I am usually "outta the building"."
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?
The best form of empowerment for yourself and others is to understand that self-care is not selfish in fact its selfless. When you take better care of yourself you become the best version of yourself to your loved ones and people you care about. You are in better mental, physical and emotional health. This allows you to be more balanced, make better choices, and be more resilient.
Secondly, it’s important to consistently take actions and be focused on your goal to get the visible results you want.
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?
It doesn’t matter where you have been, where you come from or what your past has been. You can make your life’s journey filled with more joy, grace and power. You can Rebound, Reset, and Realign your life to Embrace Your Brilliance at any age and anytime.
For more information, Donny can be reached at www.donnyingram.com or [email protected] or @donnyingram on FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn
practice. This book is to show how simple it is to employ these principles in your life. We are using my wife life, as an example that living these principles will provide the peace, joy, contentment, and love that nothing else can. She went home to be with the Lord in January 2021. But the legacy of love she left to me and our three sons, their wives and our grandchildren is providing us a roadmap to follow to achieve our ultimate reward just as she did. If we could give one piece of advice that would benefit everyone it would be to do as Charlotte did and live life with eternity in view.