Revista The Tourist Febrero / Marzo Abril 2019 01 | Page 5

FOR LOOKING MUSEUMS AND MONUMENTS I T WAS BUILT AS A MINA ret for the mosque between 1184 and 1198 by Ahmed Ben Baso, who also built otµher twin mina- rets in the North of Africa, espe- cially in the Magreb region: the Kutubia in Marrakesh, the Has- san tower in Rabat and the Man- suriah of Tremecen. They are the three Giraldas on the other side of the Strait. This 76 metre high minaret was crowned with four large golden balls which were said to be seen from more than 40 km away. The Giralda was such an admired building that when the Moslems surrendered the city, they asked for permission to destroy the to- wer, and Prince Don Alfonso re- plied with a sentence which has already become famous in His- tory, “If only one brick were re- moved from the tower they would all be stabbed to death”. The foundations of La Giralda, which go underground fifteen metres were built with Roman ruins from Seville and Itálica. The tower itself is made of bricks and as decoration there are four large sets of sebka motives, or sculpted bricks. In the middle of the wall there are lobe shaped windows overlapping with Roman light splitting columns. In order to admire the views of the city from the top of this im- pressive minaret 35 ramps, and not steps, have to be climbed. The reason was so that the muezzin in charge of calling the people to EL PATIO DE LOS NARANJOS s Es, junto a la Giralda, el único resto de la mezquita mayor de la ciudad. Aquí los musulmanes realizaban las abluciones como acto de purifica- ción. prayer could climb to the top on his horse. The second important moment of La Giralda happened between 1558 and 1568. As the city beca- me wealthy with the gold brought from America the church autho- rities decided to build a new top as a symbol of Christian power. Therefore a Renaissance style belfry was added to the Islamic body and reached up to 93 metres. The Córdoba architect Hernán Ruiz II el Joven was in charge of the reform. After this transfor- mation the Giraldillo was added, a weather vane with the shape of a woman, known in Seville as “The Giant”, and really repre- sents the triumph of faith. Ò HORARIO OPENING HOUR Lunes: de 11:00 a 15:30 (de 16:30 a 18:00 visita audioguiada gratuita con reserva anticipada) De martes a sábado: de 11:00 a 17:00 Domingo: de 14:30 a 18:00 Tarifas (incluye la Catedral): Entrada general : 9 € Entrada reducida* 4 € (Pensionistas / Estudiantes de hasta 25 años) * Acreditándolo mediante documento oficial Monday: from 11:00 to 15:30 (from 16:30 to 18:00 free audiotour with advance reservation) Tuesday to saturday: from 11:00 to 17:00. Sunday: from 14:30 to 18:00. Price (Including The Catedral): 9 € . Discount price* 4 € for retirees and students up to 25 years old * Must present an official proof 902099692 Together with La Giralda it is the only remains of the old main mos- que of the city. It is where the Mos- lems carried out ablutions as an act of purification. s Todo el patio está poblado de na- ranjos en alcorques unidos por ca- nalillos de riego sobre pavimento de ladrillo. Orange trees cover the whole courtyard joined by little canals for irrigation on the brick pavement. s En los muros que lo rodean pue- den leerse hasta 880 tarjetas de fra- ses del Corán de escritura arábiga labradas a mano. The walls surrounding it have hand- made engravings with more than 880 sentences of the Coran in Ara- bic. s En el centro del recinto se puede ver una hermosa fuente de origen visigodo donde, según la tradi- ción, fue bautizado San Hermene- gildo. In the middle of the courtyard there is a Visigoth fountain where accor- ding to tradition Saint Hermenegil- do was baptised. s A los lados corren galerías de ar- cos de herraduras apuntados don- de se alojan la Biblioteca Capitular y la Biblioteca Colombina así como la única capilla que resta de la pri- mitiva Mezquita-Catedral, la de la Virgen de la Granada. On the sides there are galeries with pointed horseshoe arches which enclose the Chapter Library and the Colombino Library as well as the only chapel which remains from the old Mosque Cathedral, that of the Virgen de Granada. Artesanos en Cuero, abanicos pintados a mano Artisans in Leather, hand-painted fans C/ Puerta de la Carne, 4 Local, bajo izquierda (D6) Tf.954 425 908 | El Caiman Sevilla I F Y O U H AV E A N Y Q U E S T I O N S , A S K Y O U R C O N C I E R G E T HE T OURIST 5