The purpose of the research was to design a proposal for Management
Training for the improvement of the Educational Process in the Multigrade
Classrooms of the Rural School Center 442 of the Aricagua State Mérida
municipality. Therefore, it was framed in a quantitative, descriptive field
approach, under the feasible project modality, in a population made up of
fifteen teachers and one manager. For the collection of the information, a
questionnaire was prepared consisting of twenty-two closed-structure
questions, under the observation technique. The validity of the instrument was
obtained through expert judgment, obtaining a Range Proportion Coefficient of
0.96 indicating excellent validity and for reliability the Cronbach's Alpha
Coefficient formula was applied, whose result was 0.96 for both strata of the
population. Once the results have been assessed, the need for teachers of
multigrade classrooms to obtain a managerial training that allows them to apply
the management functions in the teaching and learning process, strategies and
roles of a heterogeneous population where different degrees and interests are
attended. For what was designed, applied and evaluated a proposal aimed at
teachers and managers, managing to strengthen knowledge about
management actions.
Keywords: training; teacher; classrooms.
How to cite this article:
Hernández, A. (2020). Management Training Directed to Teachers for the Improvement of the
Educational Process in Multigrade Classrooms. Revista Scientific, 5(15), 24-43, e-ISSN: 2542-2987.
Recovered from: https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2020.
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Artículo Arbitrado
Management Training Directed to Teachers for the Improvement of the
Educational Process in Multigrade Classrooms