Revista Scientific Volumen 4 / Edición Especial - Septiembre 2019 | Page 13

Editorial For the Universidad Miguel de Cervantes (UMC), it is a very relevant milestone that the Revista Scientific (e-ISSN: 2542-2987), of the Instituto Internacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Educativo (INDTEC), has invited us to participate in its number Special Education and Research, then, although the presence of the University in our country in the area of education is long-standing, which has allowed us to consolidate an offer of postgraduate training in the area, the development of research, by of the nuclei of researchers of the programs, it is an element that from this perspective is recent data. In that sense, epistemic communities become more important, playing a leading role, in order to address scientific problems, as stated by Arocena (2003), cited by Bianco and Sutz (2014), by stating that: Trying new alternatives involves several risks, first of all of being wrong. The very undemocratic nature of advanced knowledge responds, in different proportions depending on the case, to its intrinsic complexity and to the group dynamics of specialists. Not paying due attention to the former easily leads along the path of demagogy; neglecting the weight of the latter can lead to dead ends (p. 75). For this reason, it is necessary to create the structures and spaces of research to respond both to these problems raised from scientific knowledge, the progressivity of science and society, hence the change in the relationships between: science, individuals and spaces of scientific production, opening space for collaboration, interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge management, contributing to academic development. It is necessary to highlight that, at the university level, specifically, at the Universidad Miguel de Cervantes (UMC), research groups are established as 12 Editorial Universidad Miguel de Cervantes: Academic Productivity from Inter and Transdisciplinarity