Revista Scientific Volumen 3 / Nº 10 - Noviembre-Enero 2018-2019 | Page 97

Abstract The methods of teaching and learning today could be projecting an intimidating and taxing nature, of course this affects the individual in such a way that in many cases it does not respond to the particular interests, nor to the needs that surround him and for therefore, it compromises, in some way, their life project. Community Management requires academic spaces where human resources can formulate and disseminate what they have learned. In this perspective, the selected methodology was a documentary research supported by a monographic study. Consequently, it is framed in the descriptive documentary archives, the observation made during the years of educational service was applied, from there it is proposed the design of a research line to support the postgraduate programs administered by the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador; called El Docente as a Social and Community Promoter within the framework of sustainable development; where research is promoted within the scope of action and intervention, which generate the analysis and interpretation of significant situations of the school-community-family, in the search for alternatives to environmental, social and / or educational problems The orientation of this point towards the research operations of the degree works produced by the participants, thus allowing the systematization that guides the processes of teacher management, in order to generate timely and relevant educational solutions that promote community development. Keywords: community development; management; community action. Date Received: 17-07-2018 sustainable development; Date Acceptance: 28-09-2018 96 Arbitrado The Teacher as a Social and Community Promoter in the Framework of Sustainable Development