JClic educational software is a pedagogical support tool; that can give
meaningful solutions to teachers, before the great demand to use an innovative
strategy to strengthen the reading of students. This study is for the purpose;
Promote pedagogical activities for the use of JClic software as a teaching
method to improve student Reading, being reading; one of the great academic
weaknesses today, with the creation of teaching strategies through this didactic
software, the learning of reading will be strengthened. The directionality of the
research adopts a qualitative approach, immersed in the critical partner
paradigm, with a modality of participatory action research, having as design the
phases of; diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation. To obtain truthful
information, all the classroom teachers who live in a specific school were
considered as social actors, and to clarify the information, three (3) classroom
teachers were taken as key informants, by virtue of fulfilling the necessary
qualities to theoretically support research through the semi-structured
interview, at the same time, the technique of participant observation was used,
obtaining a descriptive and interpretative validity of the information.
Determining, that this software; acts as a teaching medium of great scope for
the teacher in their teaching methods for reading.
Keywords: educational software; teaching method; reading.
Date Received: 14-05-2018
Date Acceptance: 26-07-2018
JClic Software as a Teaching Method for Reading