The following research is aimed at Proposing Recreational Activities to
Strengthen the School Performance of the Students from “Escuela Basica
Nacional “El Muro” in Valmore Rodriguez municipality, Zulia state. For the
execution of this research, the bibliographical review was carried out, as well
as the recognition of the scenario for the contextual and geographical
description. The study is descriptive, using the qualitative paradigm method
under a participatory action investigation, based on Elliot model (2010). To
gather information the interview technique was used recording the information
in an instrument named field record. Action plans were executed to achieve
transformation. The analysis was carried out through the systematization
obtained from the transformational action plans having as conclusion that the
Recreational Activities constitute a meaningful strategy for students, through
which they can improve their school performance; the institutions must promote
conditions to facilitate the development of these activities.
Keywords: activities; recreational; strengthen; performance; school.
Date Received: 30-09-2016
Date Acceptance: 16-11-2016
Recreational Activities to Strengthen the Students’ School Performance