COMPETITIONS 19 10 años • 10 years MARITIME TERMINAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (MTIS) OCIMF has developed the MTIS system with the aim of filling the gaps that exist in the international standards for terminals and also that would complement the similar work already being done by OCIMF and its members to improve ship safety and environmental protection. Specifically, the consolidated system embraces: l Marine Terminal Particulars Questionnaire (MTPQ) l Marine Terminal Management and Self-Assessment (MTMSA) l Marine Terminal Operator Competence & Training (MTOCT) Este programa incluye el desarrollo de un sistema consolidado de seguridad que abarque las propiedades físicas de los terminales, los sistemas de gestión y la formación del operador. La posición confiable, neutral y totalmente independiente de OCIMF dentro de la industria global es esencial para capturar e intercambiar información y mejores prácticas encaminadas a elevar los estándares de seguridad y protección ambiental. El compromiso de los Miembros con la transparencia y la voluntad de intercambiar conocimientos técnicos y experiencia práctica generará una serie de beneficios del Sistema de Información del Terminal Marino del OCIMF, que incluyen: · Normas de seguridad más estrictas, que conducirán a menos incidentes, lo que a su vez repercutirá en el tiempo en costos de seguros más bajos · Mejora de la eficiencia operativa a través deMarine Terminal Information System (MTIS) · Mejora de la eficacia y la eficiencia, con una mejor difusión de la información terminal · Un enfoque riguroso, de autoevaluación y revisión basada en la mejora continua de la gestión de la seguridad · Personal mejor capacitado y motivado · Un proceso seguro que es propiedad y gestionado por los operadores de terminales que mantienen el control total sobre sus datos. Fuente: www. u Marine Terminal Particulars Questionnaire (MTPQ) The ultimate aim is to compile a comprehensive database of relevant information for all of the world’s 3,500+ terminals – from the hardware available, to berth measurements and transfer rates. The Marine Terminal Particulars Questionnaire (MTPQ) was developed to collect this information in a common format using consistent units of measurement. By comparing the information generated by the MTPQ with SIRE vessel data, vessel programmers, schedulers and operators will be better able to assess the compatibility of ships and terminals and ensure safe operation and environmental protection. MTIS MTPQ was launched October 2011 and is being completed by more and more terminals each week. Marine Terminal Management and Self Assessment (MTMSA) OCIMF members have found the Tanker Management and Self- Assessment (TMSA) guide a very practical and valuable tool for driving up safety standards and encouraging continuous improvement – some 90% of tanker operators use it, including all the oil majors. As a result, OCIMF has revised, updated and improved its existing Marine Terminal Baseline Criteria publication to make it consistent with the TMSA format. This was published in September 2012, and is called the Marine Terminal Management and Self-Assessment (MTMSA); the old Marine Terminal Baseline Criteria will be gradually phased out and replaced with this new tool. MTMSA provides the best practice and key performance indicators against which terminal operators can assess the effectiveness of their management systems for berth operations and the ship to shore interface. With a self-assessment culture at the heart of OCIMF’s approach, members can use the MTMSA guide to develop their own internal review methodology. They can then use the internal review results to continuously improve their safety and environmental performance and to identify and share best practice around their terminal network. Members can also submit their assessment report to OCIMF’s terminal database and choose how widely the information should be shared. Marine Terminal Operator Competencies and Training (MTOCT) The Marine Terminal Operator Competencies and Training (MTOCT) aims to identify key competences and knowledge requirements, together with appropriate verification processes, to help members develop or commission their own terminal operator training programmes to ensure that personnel working on the ship/shore interface have the required skills and competence. OCIMF spent three years reviewing and updating OCIMF Marine Terminal Training and Competence Assessment Guidelines and the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO) Suggested Competence Standards, to create the MTOCT manual and database. This allows a terminal operator to install the MTOCT database and then fully customise it to meet their own requirements. OCIMF is not a training organisation, but this is a good example of how it can bring together and share best practice from its members and elsewhere to provide guidance on personnel training, which can in turn improve safety and environmental protection stand