SECURIT Y 17 10 años • 10 years el PLAN DE EVALUACION Y CONTROL DE RIESGOS A BORDO. El punto clave, según el Consejo Nacional de Seguridad, el setenta y cinco por ciento de los accidentes están precedidos de uno o más cuasi-accidentes. La Administración de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacionales (OSHA –por sus siglas en inglés) a nivel federal en USA, define los cuasi-accidentes como incidentes en los que no hubo daño a la propiedad ni lesiones personales, pero que de haber habido un pequeño cambio en el tiempo o en la posición, el daño y/o lesión pudo fácilmente haber ocurrido. La referida dep endencia federal observa que todos cuasi-accidentes deben ser investigados. El reporte e investigación de cuasi-accidentes permite a supervisores y empleados identificar y controlar los peligros antes de que éstos causen un accidente. Considere como “otra oportunidad” el cuasi-accidente de seguridad sin lesión, costo o multa, y recuerde que la investigación subsiguiente debe servir como una experiencia de aprendizaje tanto para los empleados como para los supervisores. Para Marítima Avila Group, es importante los reportes y análisis de los Cuasi-accidente detectados, independientemente del grado de peligrosidad que se pueda determinar al momento, ya que posiblemente su importancia se puede apreciar en la implementación de las recomendaciones o conclusiones. Es por ello que la empresa exhorta a todos sus trabajadores que utilicen el REPORTE DE NOTIFICACION E INVESTIGACION DE CASI-ACCIDENTE O INCIDENTE, establecido en nuestro Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad, combinando los resultados con un reporte de valoración de riesgos. Para la seguridad, es importante establecer metas y esforzase en cumplirla en cada momento. Marítima Avila Group, exhorta a sus trabajadores a que internalicen la seguridad a bordo y que siempre estén ubicando el objetivo de CERO accidentes: Nuestro Objetivo es “CERO”. “Las lesiones y enfermedades ocupacionales, así como también los incidentes de seguridad y daños al ambiente son TODOS prevenibles. Todos los trabajadores de Marítima Avila Group, se deben esforzar para lograr CERO DAÑO, así como también evitar el impacto ambiental adverso, mientras mantienen un entorno laboral saludable a bordo de los buques que opera la compañía, todo su personal, contratista y visitantes.” u THE NEAR-ACCIDENTS AND ON-BOARD RISK ASSESSMENT By Rafael Hernández Oropeza, Person on Earth – Marítima Avila Group Designated Person on Earth (PDT - for its acronym in Spanish) Marítima Avila Group A s a concern of the International Maritime Organization on the due notification of the near-accidents and the importance it generates, it, through the Maritime Safety and Marine Environment Committees, jointly promulgated on October the 10th of 2008, the Circular MSC-MEPC.7 / Circ.7 entitled “Guidance on the notification of near-accidents”. In its 9th section, “Potentially Hazardous Accidents” should be reported, investigated, analyzed and conclusive, in order to take the recommendations and make changes in procedures, employee behaviors and / or modifications to physical work environments. All this is carried out with the proper follow-up, both by the management on board and by the management in the offices of the company on the ground and to relay this experience to the other ships of the fleet, so that they are notified learnings or by experience of a third party, and not as lived experiences that can sometimes lead to serious derivations. In this circular (MSC-MEPC.7 / Circ.7), we find the importance of each company in investigating and analyzing quasi-accidents, since it is a fundamental tool for the continuous improvement of each SGS and the experience learned from them without These should contribute to improving safety on board and preventing pollution from the ship to the marine environment, on the principle that they have the same underlying causes as the accidents and losses generated. At Marítima Avila Group, we are aware of the importance of this instrument, therefore, we want to combine the results or recommendations that may give rise to the near-accidents and complement it, in the case that applies, with the RISK ASSESSMENT AND CONTROL PLAN ON BOARD made and maintained for each ship, generating and applying new risk assessments. That is to say, the use of these two tools together established in the IGS code, firstly the investigation of the Potentially Dangerous Accidents found in section number 9 and secondly the objectives of the IGS code, on the evaluation of all the risks as identified in section 1.2, will help to ensure maritime safety by assessing all hazards identified or identified for ships. In order to comply with the above mentioned objective, in Marítima Avila Group we must be clear on board and on land, the important role that each Seafarer or person who reports the near-accident and of those who are involved, since these must act freely and without being subjected to any kind of threats or indications by another employee of the company. Therefore, crew members should be trusted to provide essential safety-related information without fear of reprisal. This in addition to the main importance it has for safety, both of people and property and protection of the marine environment, it is also sensible to direct it towards a commercial aspect and cost reduction, since it can have effects of optimization of processes on the performance of ships and the performance of its personnel. Taking the definition of quasi-accident, in section number 2 of MSC-MEPC.7 / Circ.7, we have the following: “Sequence of events and / or circumstances that could have resulted in a loss. This loss was only avoided due to a fortuitous interruption of the chain of events and / or circumstances. That possible loss could have consisted of injuries to people, damage to the environment or economic losses. “ Marítima Avila Group, has among its objectives to encourage ships to report Quasi-accidents, therefore will establish through the SHAG Division Management mechanisms that seek the report and analysis of each of the crews of ships belonging to the fleet and to be able to comply with the continuous improvement of our SGS, which in the end will result in the fulfillment of well- prepared procedures applied by better trained crew members on safer and non-polluting ships. In order to understand the above theoretically, it is important to identify the chain of event of the accident rate (lack of control, underlying cause, main cause, and incident), this can help us to understand when we could break the sequence of events to avoid an accident (sinister). It is for this reason, the importance of unde rstanding and managing the benefits that the adequate report of a near-accident can give with its analysis and follow-up of the recommendations, performing a posteriori the proper evaluation and valuation of the risk, where its results are stored in the PLAN OF EVALUATION AND RISK CONTROL ON BOARD. The key point, according to the National Safety Council, seventy-five percent of accidents are preceded by one or more near-accidents. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at the federal level in the USA defines quasi-accidents as incidents in which there was no property damage or personal injury, but if there had been a small change in time or in position, the damage and / or injury could easily have occurred. The aforementioned federal agency notes that all quasi- accidents should be investigated. The quasi-accident report and investigation allows supervisors and employees to identify and control hazards before they cause an accident. Consider the “near-miss” next-to-no injury, cost or penalty, and remember that subsequent research should serve as a learning experience for both employees and supervisors. For Marítima Avila Group, it is important the reports and analysis of the detected quasi-accidents, independently of the degree of danger that can be determined at the moment, since possibly its importance can be seen in the implementation of the recommendations or conclusions. That is why the company urges all its employees to use the QUASI-ACCIDENT OR INCIDENT NOTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION REPORT, established in our Security Management System, combining the results with a risk assessment report. For safety, it is important to set goals and strive to meet them at all times. Marítima Avila Group, urges its workers to internalize safety on board and always place the target of ZERO accidents: Our Objective is “ZERO”. “Occupational injuries and illnesses, as well as incidents of safety and damage to the environment are ALL preventable. All employees of Marítima Avila Group should strive to achieve ZERO DAMAGE, as well as avoid adverse environmental impact, while maintaining a healthy working environment on board the ships operated by the company, all its personnel, contractors and visitors” u