Revista Digital k | Page 8



We’re going to write about the life of our predecessors, they were born in 1955 and when they were children, they liked to play in the park or in a open area, they lived in a town named San Mateo Atenco. They had the obligation to help their parents in a shoe business.

In the past our predecessors had a healthy lifestyle because the food was more natural and their hygiene was stricter than it is now as their parents were very straight. In their childhood they went out more outdoors and they spent little time in their houses.

Our habits are different from our predecessors because our parents taught us the same things but differently, we have different habits as we were born in different times, now there is technology that we can use.

In their time everything was a Little more complicated since most of the devices that now we use,they didn’t have a certain activities had to be done by hand.