Retro Gaming Magazine Jan. 2014 | Page 19

Super Ghouls n Ghosts by Capcom Words by Carl Williams Super Nintendo– 1993 different segments and the bosses are menacingly evil looking (looking at you giant Albatross type bird). Those looking for a better home version, through emulation, Capcom has placed the arcade version of Ghouls n Ghosts on two compilations so far Capcom Classics Collection: Reloaded for the Playstation Portable and Capcom Classics Collection Volume 1 for Playstation 2 and Xbox. Since these are emulated versions of the arcade game they are obviously closer than Sega's slightly limited version. In the end, Super Ghouls n Ghosts just takes more of the cake and double jumps away with it. While the Genesis version does an admirable job of replicating the arcade game, it was just not enough to keep me coming back. Most level backgrounds are simply black while the Super Nintendo version really rocked with thickets, animated waves and thunder clouds. Simply put, if you are not after the arcade experience the SNES version wins. Verdict: Super Ghouls n Ghosts for the SNES.