this experience. I'd also suggest people to check out our online
glossary, it is at our site and it is the translation of the official
glossary, I am sure that interested people will find that of use. I
also hope that the adventure game genre and visual novel genre
get a rebirth some time down the line.
[The Policenauts
RGM: On behalf of the readers of
and our partners, I would like to thank you for your hard work,
years of sacrifice and dedication in bringing this game to English
speaking gamers everywhere.
Artemio: Thank you for playing and taking the time for this
interview, I hope it was interesting.
Artemio: We really don't know. Several of our members really For the Spanish speaking fans you can check out Atomix Live on
deserve a longer rest, and we are not sure if we will go on with Ustream, their current show is here [
other projects as a team because of how demanding this is.
watch?v=NG5iccaGq5g] where many games are discussed, also,
I do know that I'll continue with Junker HQ for as long as it is here is the archive for Atomix [
useful, and will probably be involved in a Saturn port of the atomix-live]
translation if we find the people to do it. There are several
possibilities, but we can't say we are working on either since we
don't want to disappoint the fans interested in them.
RGM: I have been asked why I don't ask this in interviews
recently so, what is your favorite color?
Artemio: That is indeed a strange question. And one for which I
probably have no answer, since the answer has changed though
the years and I've not thought about my actual preference. I
would go with green.
RGM: ]