RGM: So Policenauts is definitely not your first translation then?
Artemio: It is the first one I work to the end in. In the other
projects, I was just the script dumper. In this one I did part of the
actual work to reinsert the translated images/text.
[For more information visit this link and this one]
RGM: How many years did it take to complete the translation?
Artemio: That is hard to answer with precision. I started the
project in 2001. But didn't make much progress since I was also
dumping other game data. I made some progress a few years
later, since I only worked on this occasionally. It was a broken
process, with continuity just given by the website (Junker HQ)
and email communication between Marc, myself and any third
part that could help. I would say that it took 1 year from
Slowbeef's involvement, plus 1 year with our previous
programmer and a few months that I worked on it beforehand. If
you are talking actual worked time, if you mean years since
startup, it was 8 full years. My idea from the start was to have it
done. I knew I didn't have the time neither all the skills
necessary, so patience was part of the idea, of setting up a
website back then with my open progress was all I could do
and am glad that the response has been very positive. It is great
finding out that so many people are playing the game and their
comments on social networks and forums. I believe fans have
been generally pleased.
RGM: I am sure you saw the various posts around the net on
forums claiming this was never going to be released, how does it
RGM: Wow. Talk about dedication. From your experience, feel to prove those naysayers wrong?
what was the hardest part of the process?
Artemio: We were aware of a few of those. But in reality we
Artemio: Text reinsertion into the game, and I would say that were never driven by those opinions. I feel that we were very
what maybe the hardest part in anything is the small concentrated in our own forum, with the tenths of users who were
details. Slowbeef had to reimplement the text printing routine in really following the translation closely. Since we were working
assembly, and there were several details that drove us crazy, like at our own pace and weren't in an active competition with anyone
the text in some places was not text at all, but graphics in a else it had little effect in us. During that weekend we were
different implementation within the game. Stuff like that.
releasing, our feelings were of anticipation, nervousness and
emotion. It was a very positive experience to feel how people
were reacting to our posts on several forums. We announced it
RGM: What was the most fun or interesting part of the project? during the night of the 22nd by posting we would release the
Artemio: From my perspective I had great fun decoding the patch the next day. Response on those threads was positive and I
credits from the intro, figuring out how the graphics were stored believe everything went in that direction for most of the time.
in the video files and getting BMP images out of that was really
fun. I also had a lot of fun talking with Marc about specific lines.
I recall once that there was this phrase by Confucius "My RGM: Eyes down and focused on the task at hand type of
doctrine is that of an all-pervading unity". We spent hours approach. I have played a little bit of the translated game and the
looking for the typical translation to English of the phrase, so that patch is wonderful. The effort involved is evident from the first
words onscreen.
someone who knew it would properly recognize it.
Artemio: Yes, that was our approach. We had plenty to do
instead of paying attention to a few that were saying that kind of
stuff. I am glad you liked the final product; we strived to make
that speak for itself.
It was fun because Marc was usually very concerned with that
kind of stuff. And every time he asked me to give my thoughts on
anything like that, it was great looking around for information
and learning a lot in the process.
RGM: Has there been a lot of fan interest in the translation patch RGM: The game really does speak volumes for the effort put
into it. What is on the horizon for you and your team after the
since it released?
much deserved rest?
Artemio: That is a very relative thing to qualify. I feel it has,