Año 1 Edición 25 Página 4
Año 1 Edición 25 Página 4
En ese sentido , resaltó que la producción de Madre de Dios ha pasado a ser cada vez más importante al pasar de representar un 9 % en el 2007 a 14 % en el 2011 . ― Para marzo es 22 veces mayor respecto del dato consignado para febrero ; siendo un récord en su producción . El dato de abril es el segundo más alto para la región y el de mayo el tercero ‖, dijo .
________________________________________________________ Mining investments hit US $ 9.400mn in 2014 .
In 2013 , investment in the mining sector in Peru close at between US $ 7,000 and US $ 8,000 mn and would increase to US $ 9.400mn in 2014 , said the president of the National Society of Mining , Petroleum and Energy ( SNMPE ), Eva Arias , reported the Andina .
" In addition to projects under construction and will be operational , there is little investment with mining companies , I think we should get between 7,000 and 8,000 million by 2013 ," said Arias . The Scotiabank predicted investments of US $ 9.400mn for this year , and that over the next three years the investment would be lower because " no new projects ," according to local press .
The leader said that only investment in the project Toromocho , located in Junín , represents an investment of around US $ 5.000mn , and by 2014 could reach US $ 10.000mn . " But wait what happens in the international context , that we will be clearer in October , because it is in the last quarter , when it will really knowing all that was scheduled for 2014 , what really is , " he said .
Glencore Xstrata starts selling process Bambas copper project
Just this week it was revealed that Glencore Xstrata started the process to sell its 100 % interest in the Las Bambas copper project in Peru as part of its commitment to China authorized the merger of both companies . Investment banks BMO Capital Markets and Credit Suisse as financial advisors exercise for the project of $ 5.300mn , the largest mining investment in Peru , according to a statement from Glencore Xstrata .
In April , Glencore Xstrata agreed to sell The Bambas for the Ministry of Commerce of China authorized the merger . Chinalco Chinese SOEs and MMG may bid for the initiative .
Scotiabank : Increased gold production mining will boost growth
According to the management of Scotiabank Economic Studies , a significant change in the records of gold production from the Mother of God March 2013 would largely offset the lower production of Minera Yanacocha gold , Barrick and Minas Buenaventura . " This has caused us to change our GDP growth forecast of 4.4 % Mining 5.8 %. The total GDP impact is marginal , given the low weight ( 4 %) of mining in GDP - measured at 1994 base year prices , " said analyst Erika Manchego . He also stressed that during March , April and May , Peru ' s gold production increased 9 %, 6 % and 2 %, respectively . These increases were contrasted with the lower production during the first two months of the year ( -25 % and -16 %).
In that regard , he stressed that the production of Mother of God has become increasingly important to move from representing 9 % in 2007 to 14 % in 2011 . " By March is 22 times greater than the figure recorded for February , still a record in production . The April figure is the second highest for the region May and the third , " he said .