• Unlicensed software will not be reinstalled , nor will we be able to retrieve personal data files from the local hard drive .
• Individuals are responsible for making backups of their data files . Removable Media All removable media ( USB devices , external hard drives , CDs , flash drives , etc .) with sensitive data must be securely protected with a password or stored in a secure location . Software and Hardware Purchases Keep in mind that not all software available may work on our district computers or network . By the same token , not all hardware is compatible with our network . Therefore , it is essential that all curriculum areas , central departments , and site technology staff collaborate with Network Services , Desktop Services , and their Technology Facilitator before decisions involving purchases of hardware or software are made .
• Software should be ordered directly through the district Purchasing Department , using the TIES finance system . Information on standard district software can be found on the district website , Purchasing Department pages .
• No unlicensed software should be installed on district computers .
• For technology / hardware purchases , refer to the district website , Technology Purchasing pages . For items not listed on the website , contact your technology facilitator .
Passwords All users that have access to the district WAN , either to access files on servers or to use the district email system , must maintain a password for their account . Users are not authorized to share their user credentials with anyone , except with authorized technology support staff . Users who share their credentials ( username and password ) will lose access to all district resources / applications for at least one day and will be counseled by their supervisor / teacher about the acceptable use guidelines . All users are required to change the default password assigned when their network account is created . In addition , all staff users must change their password every 120 days ( this includes a 14-day reminder period ) or on request from building technology support personnel . Electronic Devices The District defines electronic devices as , but not limited to , the following :
• Laptop and desktop computers
• Tablets
• Wireless email and text-messaging devices , i . e ., iPod
• Smart Phones For purposes of this document , the term “ Personal Electronic Device ” refers to staff- or student owned electronic devices . District Electronic Device Standards and Support District technology staff provides basic installation , synchronization , and specific software support for district electronic devices . District technology support staff includes the building ’ s technology teacher , technology para , and technology facilitator , as well as Network Services , Desktop Services , and Communications Technology Department staff . Buildings should purchase an extended protection plan ( warranty ) in situations where conditions promote breakage .
District electronic devices contain sensitive data , posing a security risk to both individuals and the school district . These devices also have the added risk of being stolen , misplaced , or left unattended . Therefore , password protection is required on all District electronic devices . In cases where the device is lost or stolen , the owner ’ s direct supervisor must be notified . If the user is using active sync with the device in order to check district email , the device owner and / or supervisor must inform the Communications Technology Department to ensure sensitive data can be removed from the device . Staff-Owned Electronic Device Standards and Support District technology staff are not responsible for supporting staffowned electronic devices . Users can access their district email using District-approved security protocols , which currently include https :// or SSL and are listed in the Guidelines for Staff Access to District Resources from Outside District Facilities which is maintained by the Technology and Information Services Department . Users requiring setup support on their device should contact their device provider . In all cases where staff are using personal electronic devices to access any District resources , including email , staff are responsible for safeguarding the data by not sharing their user name and password with others and logging out of district resources when they are not specifically using them . Student-Owned Electronic Device Use The District is committed to providing students with a safe , secure , and positive learning and working environment . The use of portable electronic devices on school property can compromise or interfere with this goal ; therefore , the use and possession of such devices must be regulated . Given the prevalence and exponential growth of the types of portable electronic devices available , the District , building administration , and teacher maintains the right to control the time , place , and manner in which electronic devices are used . Parents / guardians are advised that the best way to contact their child during the school day is by calling the school office . The possession , use , or sharing of electronic devices in locker rooms , rest rooms , or any other area that could constitute an invasion of any person ’ s reasonable expectation of privacy is strictly prohibited . Any device used for such purposes shall be confiscated and searched by school personnel . Students are required to relinquish electronic devices to school personnel when directed . Refusal to comply with such directives will be considered insubordination and the student will be subject to disciplinary action . Access Internet Resources on a personal electronic device All buildings have a Guest wireless network . The “ ISD11 ” wireless network is reserved for district electronic devices only , and should not be accessed by non-district electronic devices . Staff and students using their personal electronic devices may use the Guest wireless network for instructional and administrative purposes . Limited personal use of the District ’ s Guest wireless network is permitted if the use :
• Poses no tangible cost to the District
• Does not unduly burden the District ’ s computer or network resources