Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 56

• Has no adverse effect on an employee ’ s job performance or on a student ’ s academic performance Access to the District ’ s electronic communications system is a privilege , not a right . Accepting the Terms of Service , the user shall abide by the regulations and guidelines . Below are the guidelines for each of the grade levels and Special Education . Elementary School – Student Guidelines At elementary school levels , electronic devices must be concealed and shall not be powered on or used in any way during regular operations of the school day , during other school-sponsored and supervised group activities during the school day ( e . g ., during student assemblies , field trips , events , or other ceremonies , etc .), or when their use is otherwise prohibited by school personnel . Middle School – Student Guidelines Electronic devices may be used in the classroom with teacher or administrator approval . A portable electronic device may not be used to make phone calls or send text messages during the school day . Students wishing to use portable electronic devices for educational purposes outside the classroom must have teacher and / or administrator approval . Taking pictures or video and audio recording other students or school staff is prohibited without the permission of a teacher or administrator per district guidelines . Portable electronic devices used without the appropriate approval may result in disciplinary action . Student removal of a memory chip or battery from a phone in the process of being confiscated is considered grounds for disciplinary action by school administration . High School – Student Guidelines Electronic devices may be used in the classroom with teacher or administrator approval . An electronic device may be used to make calls before or after school , during the individual student ’ s assigned lunch , or during passing time . Taking pictures or video and audio recording other students or school staff is prohibited without the permission of a teacher or administrator per district guidelines . Electronic devices used without the appropriate approval may result in disciplinary action . Student removal of a memory chip or battery from a phone in the process of being confiscated is considered grounds for disciplinary action by school administration . Special Education Access is based on individual student needs . If use of a portable electronic device is required in individual instances to assist a student with the student ’ s education , as part of a student ’ s Individual Education Plan ( IEP ), or as a part of a 504 plan , the use of such device must be documented within the student ’ s IEP or 504 plan and communicated to building administration and staff . Liability Statement The district assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to personal electronic devices , whether in the possession of staff or students . Staff should make every attempt to store confiscated devices in a secure area . The Anoka-Hennepin School District bears no responsibility for , nor are its employees obligated to investigate , the theft of any personal electronic device .
• All Anoka-Hennepin teachers are encouraged to develop and maintain classroom websites as a way to communicate on an ongoing basis with students and parents / guardians . Teachers must use district-provided Web software for classroom websites to limit students ’ potential exposure to inappropriate material on the Internet and to ensure compliance with School Board policy regarding solicitation of students .
• All Anoka-Hennepin central departments are encouraged to develop and maintain a department website . websites must conform to district design standards and be up to date .
• Web announcements promoting a business are prohibited by district Solicitation Policy . The Superintendent / Associate Superintendents may make exceptions if benefits are judged sufficient to merit exception .
Student Internet Use : Under the Children ’ s Internet Protection Act ( CIPA ), districts are required to restrict minors ’ access to internet-based materials . The District has licensed a commercial internet filtering package that meets or exceeds the CIPA requirements for student protection . Students using district-provided Internet access must first have the permission of and must be supervised by the district ’ s professional staff . Students using district-provided Internet access are responsible for good behavior online just as they are in a classroom or other areas of the school . If students use their personal device using their own data plan ( 3G / 4G ), they will not be filtered by the district Internet filter . Inappropriate use of the Internet using a personal data plan will be subject to discipline . The same general rules for behavior and communications apply . COMMUNICATION TOOLS Staff email The district manages an email system for staff business / communications purposes . All email messages are retained on the system until deleted by the staff member . Staff are expected to remove old messages in a timely fashion ; system administrators may remove such messages if not attended to regularly by the individual user . Electronic messages stored on district servers are treated like any other school property . That said , system administrators will not intentionally inspect the contents of a user ’ s email account or disclose such contents to other than the sender or intended recipient without the consent of the sender or intended recipient , unless required to do so by law or District policies , or to investigate complaints regarding email which is alleged to contain material contrary to District policies . Staff members are provided with district email accounts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communication , both within the organization and with the broader community . Staff using email to correspond with parents and students must adhere to the following :
• Staff must use a school-provided email account for all parent and student communications . Use of a staff personal email account for parent / student communication is not authorized .
54 ahschools . us / policies 2021-22 School Handbook