Staff : Selection and Reconsideration of Instructional Materials and Resources : Harassment , Violence and Discrimination ; Use and Rental of School Facilities ; Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records ; and the Media Materials Selection Policies Students : Student Discipline and Harassment , Violence and Discrimination Policies ; Bullying Prohibition Policy
• Respect the privacy of other users , and not intentionally seek information on , obtain copies of , or modify files , other data or passwords belonging to other users without permission .
• Comply with legal protection provided by copyright and license to programs , data and documents .
• Help maintain the security of the district ICT resources by adhering to all security rules developed by the Technology Steering Committee and / or the users ’ buildings .
• Monitor and supervise any individual to whom access to ICT resources is granted by you , the user .
• Comply with the acceptable use policies of all ICT resources to which the district has access .
• Our buildings and schools provide the resources for employees to fulfill their professional duties ( in many cases , this is a computer with district-approved software and an office / classroom phone ). Under normal circumstances these resources should meet staff members ’ professional communication needs .
• Use that encourages efficient , cooperative and creative methods to perform the user ’ s job duties or educational tasks .
• Use related to instructional , administrative , and other support activities considered consistent with the mission of the district .
• Use of district ICT resources for authorized and appropriate access to voice , video , and data systems , software or data , both locally and at other sites .
• Use consistent with the mission of the Anoka-Hennepin School District .
• In execution of professional duties , any use of personal phones to communicate with students , parents , staff , or others must comply with all district policies relating to professional codes of ethics and behavior .
• Providing , assisting in , or gaining unauthorized or inappropriate access to the district ’ s ICT resources , including any type of voice , video , or data information server .
• Activities or excessive personal use of ICT resources that precludes staff from performing job duties effectively or that interferes with student learning .
• Activities that result in the loss of another student / staff member ’ s work or unauthorized access to another student / staff member ’ s work .
• Distribution of any material in such a manner that might cause congestion of the voice , video , and data networks .
• Distribution or collection of obscene , abusive , or threatening material via telephone , video , electronic mail , Internet or other means .
• Use of ICT resources for a commercial , political , or profit-making enterprise , except as specifically agreed to with the appropriate district supervisory staff .
• In execution of professional responsibilities , personal email accounts , personal web sites , personal web collaboration tools , or social networking tools ( e . g ., Facebook , mySpace ), to communicate with students , parents , staff , or others , except as authorized by the Superintendent , Cabinet member , or school Principal using the district exception approval process ( see Acceptable Use Guidelines for details ).
Guidelines for Implementation of Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Information , Communication and Technology Resources
Enforcement of the policy
• The Employee Services Department is responsible for reviewing annually with Department Directors , Supervisors , and Principals the Acceptable Use Policy ( AUP ) and Acceptable Use Guidelines ( AUG ) documents .
• Employee Services presents the AUP / AUG to all new employees as part of the new employee orientation session .
• Employees are required to review and formally acknowledge , through a signed statement or web-based acceptance mechanism , the AUP / AUG documents annually .
Consequences of breach of policy Use of Information , Communication , and Technology ( ICT ) resources is a privilege , not a right . The district recognizes that some personal use of district email , voice mail , and computer systems - including use during non-work time is acceptable ; however , excessive use or abuse of these privileges ( as outlined in the AUP adopted by the school board ) is unacceptable . Abuse of these privileges may result in one or more of the following consequences :
• Suspension or cancelation of use or access privileges
• Payments for damages or repairs
• Discipline under appropriate school district policies including suspension , expulsion , exclusion or termination of employment , or civil or criminal liability under applicable laws
Data Privacy
• By authorizing use of ICT resources , the District does not relinquish control over materials on the systems or contained in files on the systems . Files stored on school-based computers and communications via email , Internet browsers , or voice mail are not private .
• Electronic messages and files stored on school-based computers may be treated like any other school property . Administrators , faculty , or network personnel may review files and messages to maintain system integrity and , if necessary , to ensure that users are acting responsibly .