received notice under this policy , that the substitute will be overseeing a student with a history of violent behavior . The administration may provide other school district employees or individuals outside of the school district with information regarding a student , including information regarding a student ’ s history of violent behavior , in accordance with Policy 515.2 , Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records .
C . Determination of Who Receives Notice The detailed determination of which classroom teachers and school staff members have a legitimate educational interest in information regarding a student with a history of violent behavior will be made by either : ( 1 ) the school district ’ s Responsible Authority and / or designee appointed by the school board under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act or ( 2 ) the school administration . In the event the administration makes this determination , the Responsible Authority and / or designee will provide guidance to the administration as to what data will be shared .
School staff members who receive notice under this Policy may provide notice to someone substituting for them or for another staff member who has received notice .
D . Form of Written Notice The notice given to classroom teachers and school staff members will be in writing and will include the following : 1 . Name of the student ; 2 . Date of notice ; 3 . Notification that the student has been identified as a student with a history of violent behavior as defined in Section I above ; and
4 . Reminder of the private nature of the data provided . E . Record of Notice
1 . The administration will retain a copy of the notice or other documentation provided to classroom teachers and school staff members notified under this section .
2 . Retention of the written notice or other documentation provided to classroom teachers and school staff members is governed by the approved Records Retention Schedule .
F . Meetings Regarding Students with a History of Violent Behavior 1 . If the administration determines , in his or her discretion , that the classroom teacher and / or school staff members with a legitimate educational interest in such data reasonably require access to the details regarding a student ’ s history of violent behavior for purposes of school safety and / or intervention services for the student , the administration also may convene a meeting to share and discuss such data .
2 . The persons present at the meeting may have access to the data described in Section II . D ., above .
G . Law Enforcement Reports Staff members will be provided with notice of disposition orders or law enforcement reports received by the school district in accordance with Policy 515.2 , Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records . Where appropriate , information obtained from disposition orders or law enforcement reports also may be included in a Notification of Violent Behavior .
III . MAINTENANCE AND TRANSFER OF RECORDS A report , notice , or documentation pertaining to a student with a history of violent behavior are educational records of a student and will be retained , maintained , and transferred to a school or school district in which a student seeks to enroll in accordance with Policy 515.2 , Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records . IV . PARENTAL NOTICE
A . The administration will notify parents annually that the school district gives classroom teachers and other school staff members notice about students ’ history of violent behavior . The administration will inform the [ parent or guardian ] of any written notice of classroom teacher or staff member .
B . Parents will be given notice that they have the right to review and challenge records or data , including the data documenting the history of violent behavior , in accordance with Policy 515.2 , Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records .
Policy and Code of Ethics for Acceptable Use of Electronic Information , Communication and Technology Resources , No . 524.2
Note : Discipline Policy 506.0 also addresses acceptable technology use . It states : “ Possession and / or use of any electronic device , including a computer , in a manner , which threatens or intimidates others and / or disrupts the educational process .” The Technology Steering Committee is charged with the management of the Information , Communication , and Technology ( ICT ) resources of the school district . These resources include all voice , video , and data systems . These systems include : telephones , television monitors , portable electronic devices , computers , servers , local and wide area networks , the connections to other computer networks via TIES , and the Internet and stored electronic data . A part of this management responsibility includes the establishment and administration of an acceptable use policy and implementation guidelines of these resources by staff , students and other users . The intent of this statement is to give an overview of user responsibility , acceptable and unacceptable use of these resources without exhaustively enumerating all such responsibilities , uses and misuses . The policy is not intended to interfere with efficient work habits but to protect employees and the students and families we serve by establishing expectations for behavior as well as the boundaries we need to keep with our students and families . The Acceptable Use Guidelines document contains more specific information . District Responsibilities Under the Children ’ s Internet Protection Act ( CIPA ), districts are required to restrict minors ’ access to internet-based materials . The District has licensed a commercial internet filtering package that meets or exceeds the CIPA requirements for student protection . In addition , the school district has created units of learning to educate students about appropriate online behavior , including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response . User Responsibility
• Comply with all existing school board policies as they may be interpreted to apply to ICT resources , including but not limited to the following :