Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 26

V . DISTRICT ACTION A . Upon receipt of a complaint or report of bullying , the district shall undertake or authorize an investigation by District officials or a third party designated by the district , consistent with the Harassment , Violence and Discrimination Policy . http :// anokahennepin . schoolwires . net / cms / lib08 / MN01909485 / Centricity / Domain / 82 / 413.0 % 20Harassment % 20Violence % 20and % 20Discrimination % 20Policy . pdf
B . The district shall take immediate steps to protect the target , reporter , students , or others as necessary pending completion of an investigation of bullying , consistent with applicable law .
C . Upon completion of the investigation , the district will take appropriate action pursuant to the School Discipline Policy . Such action may include , but is not limited to , warning , suspension , exclusion , loss of privilege , expulsion , transfer , remediation , termination , or discharge . The district may also contact law enforcement if the behavior is criminal in nature . Disciplinary consequences will be sufficiently severe to try to deter violations and to appropriately discipline prohibited behavior . District action taken for violation of this policy will be consistent with the requirements of applicable collective bargaining agreements ; applicable statutory authority , including the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act ; district policies ; and regulations . Appropriate administrative and staff follow-up will be provided for targets and offenders of bullying .
D . The district is not authorized to disclose to a target or reporter private educational or personnel data regarding an alleged offender who is a student or district employee .
E . School officials will notify the parent ( s ) or guardian ( s ) of students involved in a bullying incident and the remedial action taken , to the extent permitted by law , based on a confirmed report .
F . The district shall monitor all incidents of bullying as fully set forth in Section IX of the Harassment , Violence and Discrimination Policy . VI . APPEAL If the report has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the target , s / he may appeal to the Title IX / Equity Coordinator within ten ( 10 ) school days of receipt ( verbal or written ) of the findings of the district investigation . The Title IX / Equity Coordinator will conduct a review of the appeal and , within ten ( 10 ) school days of receipt of the appeal , will affirm , reverse , or modify the findings of the report . The decision of the Title IX / Equity Coordinator is final . VII . REPRISAL The district will discipline or take appropriate action against any student or district employee who retaliates against any person who makes a good faith report of alleged bullying or against any person who testifies , assists , or participates in an investigation , or against any person who testifies , assists , or participates in a proceeding or hearing relating to such bullying . Retaliation includes , but is not limited to , any form of intimidation , harassment , or intentional disparate treatment .
VIII . PROGRAMMING The district shall implement annual bullying prevention and character development education programs for students to prevent and reduce policy violations . Such programs may offer instruction on character education including , but not limited to , character qualities such as attentiveness , truthfulness , respect for authority , diligence , gratefulness , self-discipline , patience , forgiveness , respect for others , peacemaking , and resourcefulness . IX . NOTICE The district will give annual notice of this policy to students , parents or guardians , and staff , and this policy shall appear in the student handbook . X . REVIEW OF THE POLICY This policy will be reviewed by the Board or its designee on an annual basis and , if necessary , will be revised to conform with applicable state and federal law .
Chemical / Controlled Substance Policy for Students , No . 533.3
Note : Discipline Policy 506.0 also addresses chemical / controlled substances . It states : “ Possession , use ( including being under the influence and look alike substances ) and / or transmission of controlled substances including but not limited to any narcotic drug , hallucinogenic drug , inhalant , toxic or mood altering substances , intoxicating beverage , any paraphernalia associated with such controlled substances , or any controlled substance or the unauthorized use of prescription drugs .” The Anoka-Hennepin School District is committed to helping all students fully realize their potential . To do this , it is necessary that the educational process allow students to make informed decisions about chemicals / controlled substances . One increasingly important issue in our society is the use , misuse , possession and / or transmission by students of mood-altering and / or chemical / controlled substances , including alcohol , drugs , and , inhalants and look-alike substances . Students cannot make full use of the total school program if they are involved with these substances ; chemicals can seriously inhibit their capacity to learn and to function effectively in our schools . It is the intent of this School District that our students , their parents / guardians , and all staff be made aware of the danger inherent in making unwise choices regarding the use of mood altering and / or chemical / controlled substances . It is also the intent of the school district to uphold State and Federal laws pertaining to the possession and / or use of controlled substances . The primary responsibility for helping individual students who are involved with chemicals lies with their parents / guardians . Our schools will act in conjunction with parents / guardians to help their children by providing a safe and healthy school environment and appropriate prevention efforts . Therefore , the Anoka-Hennepin School Board supports the following four components of the Chemical / Controlled Substance Policy for Students :
1 . Compliance with current statutes concerning a minor ’ s use / possession / transmission of alcoholic beverages , illegal drugs / chemicals , tobacco products , drug related devices / paraphernalia , inhalants , or misuse of prescription , lookalike substances , and / or over-the-counter medication .
24 ahschools . us / policies 2021-22 School Handbook