Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 27

2 . Chemical / controlled substance use / abuse prevention education and the promotion of wise choices concerning the individual ’ s health .
3 . An early intervention in the use / abuse process including identification , consistent consequences , pre-assessment ; and , when appropriate , provide a list of resources for families of outside agencies for formal assessment .
4 . A supportive school environment for non-using students , including those who have been involved with chemical / controlled substances in the past , and for those whose families are disrupted by substance abuse .
Policy in Practice : Chemicals / Controlled Substances The use / misuse / possession / distribution of chemicals / controlled substances is addressed in section B paragraph two of the Anoka-Hennepin School District discipline policy . The use of mood-altering substances continues to be an important issue in our society and is especially damaging to our youth . Students can not make full use of the total school program if they are involved with these substances , and such involvement has a negative affect on the entire school community , thus consequences related to their use / possession / distribution are very harsh and will be fully enforced . Carefully read the following procedure for a clear understanding of the policy . I . Possession / Use / Misuse of Chemicals / Controlled
Substances at School or School activities :
• This procedure does not include tobacco possession / use : see the individual school ’ s policies concerning tobacco use .
• For medications , refer to the School Guidelines for Student Medication and MN Immunization Law
• This procedure does include “ look alike substances ”, which are presented as alcohol , narcotics or mood-altering substances .
It is a violation of the Anoka-Hennepin chemicals / controlled substance policy if it has been determined that :
A . a student has consumed / used any alcohol , narcotic , inhalants or mood-altering substance while at school or a school sponsored activity ( any prescription or over thecounter medication a student is required to take must be administered in accordance with district policy ).
B . a student , on school grounds or at a school activity is under the influence of alcohol , narcotics , inhalants or mood altering substances regardless of the amount consumed or where consumption took place .
C . a student has possessed alcohol , narcotics , inhalants , mood altering substances or drug paraphernalia on school grounds or at school activities .
In each case :
• Parents will be informed when a student has been found to have violated the policy .
• All activity eligibility consequences shall follow the Minnesota High School League Rules and Regulations and building policy .
• Local law enforcement officials will be informed of the violation .
• All Federal and State rules and regulations concerning special education students will apply to this policy .
• The school ‘ s chemical abuse pre-assessment team will be notified . The chemical abuse pre-assessment team ’ s responsibility is to address reports of chemical abuse problems and making recommendation for appropriate responses to the individual reported cases .
Possession / use / misuse of chemicals / controlled substances at school or school activities : Grades K-5 First offense : A . possible suspension B . Parent conference stressing preventative measures . ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency , but may decline .)
Second / subsequent offenses : A . Ten-day suspension and possible referral to the School Board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year .
B . Parent conference stressing preventative measures . ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency , but may decline .) This policy shall be reviewed with secondary students three times per year . Grades 6-8 First Offense : A . 1-3 day suspension B . Referral to Vape Educate Online Module ( Vaping THC ) C . Possible referral to Chemical Health Specialist for assessment and determination for further support . D . Restorative Meeting with parents or guardians stressing the importance of preventative measures ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency but may decline .)
Second Offense A . 5 day suspension B . Referral to Chemical Health Specialist for assessment and determination for further support .
C . Restorative Meeting with parents or guardians stressing the importance of preventative measures ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency but may decline .)
Third Offense
A . 10 day suspension and referral for expulsion . If a resolution for expulsion occurs , students can return on a probationary status sooner which will be determined by the completion of a chemical dependency program .
2021-22 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 25