Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 25

1 . Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things . Verbal bullying includes :
• Teasing
• Name-calling
• Taunting
• Threatening to cause harm
2 . Social bullying , sometimes referred to as relational bullying , involves hurting someone ’ s reputation or relationships . Social bullying includes :
• Leaving someone out on purpose
• Telling other children not to be friends with someone
• Spreading rumors about someone
• Embarrassing someone in public 3 . Physical bullying involves hurting a person ’ s body or possessions . Physical bullying includes :
• Hitting / kicking / pinching
• Spitting
• Tripping / pushing
• Taking or breaking someone ’ s things
• Making mean or rude hand gestures Bullying can take a variety of forms . As noted above , it can be a written , verbal , or electronic expression , a physical act or gesture , graphic representation ( e . g . graffiti ). Bullying may include the misuse of technology in any form , including sending or posting e-mail messages , instant messages , text messages , blog or social media postings , digital pictures or images , or other electronic postings , regardless of whether such acts are committed on or off district property and / or with or without the use of district resources . Bullying based on a protected classification set forth in the district ’ s Equal Educational Opportunity Policy ( race , color , creed , religion , national origin , sex , marital status , disability , familial status , status with regard to public assistance , sexual orientation , or age ) may also constitute a violation of the district ’ s Harassment , Violence , and Discrimination Policy .
B . “ District employee ” for purposes of this policy includes school board members , district employees , agents , volunteers , contractors / vendors , or persons subject to the supervision and control of the district .
C . “ Immediately ” or “ immediate ” means as soon as possible but in no event longer than 24 hours .
D . “ On district property , at school-related functions , or in electronic form ” means all district buildings , school grounds , and school property or property immediately adjacent to school grounds , school bus stops , school buses , school vehicles , school contracted vehicles , or any other vehicles approved for district purposes , the area of entrance or departure from school grounds , premises , or events , all school-related functions , school-sponsored activities , events , or trips , the use of any district technology equipment or system on or off-campus , the use of a personal digital device on campus , or off-campus electronic communication that causes or threatens to cause a substantial and material disruption at school or interference with the rights of students or employees to be secure . District property also may mean a student ’ s walking route to or from school for purposes of attending school or school-related functions , activities , or events . While prohibiting bullying at these locations or events or through use of district technology resources , the district does not represent that it will provide supervision or assume liability at these locations or events , or through use of district technology resources . IV . REPORTING PROCEDURE
A . Any person who believes he or she has been the target of bullying or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct that may constitute bullying shall report the alleged acts immediately to an administrator , counselor , or student services advocate in that school . A student may report bullying anonymously . However , the district ’ s ability to take action against an alleged offender based solely on an anonymous report may be limited .
B . A report ( verbal or written ) should be made immediately , or as soon after the incident as possible ; delays between the date of the alleged incident and the reporting date may make investigations more difficult .
C . The district encourages the target or other reporting party to use a report form ; oral and electronic reports shall be considered complaints as well . The report form is available in the counseling and administrative office of each school , the district office , and on the district ’ s website at : ahschools . us / complaintform . Upon request for qualified persons with a disability , alternative means of filing a complaint , such as through a personal interview or by tape recording , will be made available .
D . Nothing in this policy shall prevent any person from reporting harassment , violence , or discrimination directly to the Title IX Coordinator / Equity Coordinator or to the superintendent :
Title IX Coordinator / Equity Coordinator Mailing address : 2727 N Ferry St ., Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : 763-506-1000 Email : titleIXcoordinator @ ahschools . us
Superintendent , Anoka--Hennepin School District Mailing address : 2727 N Ferry St ., Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : 763-506-1000 Email : superintendent @ ahschools . us
E . District employees shall be particularly alert to possible situations , circumstances , or events that might include bullying . Any such person who receives a report of , observes , or has other knowledge or belief of conduct that may constitute bullying shall inform the building principal or designee immediately .
F . Reports of bullying are classified as private educational and / or personnel data and / or confidential investigative data and will not be disclosed except as permitted by law .
G . Submission of a good faith complaint or report of bullying will not affect the target ’ s or reporter ’ s future employment , grades , work assignments , or educational or work environment .
H . The district will respect the privacy of the target , the reporter , the individual ( s ) against whom the complaint is filed , and the witnesses as much as possible , consistent with the district ’ s obligation to investigate , take appropriate action , and comply with any legal disclosure obligations .
2021-22 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 23