Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 24

Bullying Prohibition Policy Including Cyberbullying , No . 514.0
Note : Discipline Policy 506.0 also addresses bullying . It states : “ Violations against persons communicated or attempted to be communicated by any means . Such violations include but are not limited to : verbal and / or nonverbal intimidation / threats ; stalking ; obstruction ; assault ; fighting ; extortion ; bullying , racial harassment ; harassment on the basis of disability ; sexual harassment / violence ; indecent exposure ; hazing .” I . PURPOSE A safe and civil environment is needed for students to learn and attain high academic standards and to promote healthy human relationships . Bullying , like other violent or disruptive behavior , is conduct that interferes
This policy defines bullying and cyberbullying , which includes actions during the school day and related functions . It lists consequences for anyone who bullies another person and reporting procedures for victims and witnesses .
with students ’ ability to learn and teachers ’ ability to educate students in a safe environment . To the extent such conduct affects the educational environment of district schools and the rights and welfare of its students and is within the control of the district in its normal operations , it is the district ’ s intent to prevent bullying and to take action to investigate , respond , remediate , and discipline those acts of bullying which have not been successfully prevented . Appropriate administrative and staff follow-up will be provided for targets and offenders of bullying . While Anoka-Hennepin School District cannot monitor the activities of students at all times and eliminate all incidents of bullying between students , particularly when students are not under the direct supervision of school personnel , the purpose of this policy is to assist the district in its goal of preventing and responding to acts of bullying , intimidation , violence , and other similar disruptive behavior .
II . GENERAL STATEMENT OF POLICY A . An act of bullying , by either an individual student or a group of students , is expressly prohibited on district property , at school related functions , or in electronic form otherwise known as cyberbullying . This policy applies to all of the academic and nonacademic ( for example , athletic and extracurricular ) programs of the district and will be enforced before , during , or after school hours on all school property , including the school bus , school functions , or events held at other locations . The policy also applies to any off-campus conduct that causes or threatens to cause a substantial and material disruption at school , or interferes with the rights of students or employees to be free from a hostile school environment taking into consideration the totality of the circumstances on and off campus . This policy applies not only to students who directly engage in an act of bullying but also to students who , by their indirect behavior , condone or support another student ’ s act of bullying .
B . No district employee shall permit , condone , or tolerate bullying . Any district employee who observes an act of bullying shall intervene to attempt to stop the act and shall report it to the appropriate person . Likewise , any person who receives a report of an act of bullying shall report it to the appropriate person .
C . Apparent permission or consent by a student being bullied does not lessen the prohibitions contained in this policy .
D . Retaliation against a target , good faith reporter , or a witness of bullying is prohibited .
E . False accusations or reports of bullying against another student are prohibited .
F . A person who engages directly or indirectly in an act of bullying , reprisal , or intentional false reporting of bullying or permits , condones , or tolerates bullying may be subject to discipline for that act in accordance with the district ’ s policies and procedures . The district may take into account the following factors : 1 . The age , developmental and maturity levels of the parties involved ; 2 . The levels of harm , surrounding circumstances , and nature and severity of the behavior ; 3 . Past incidences or past or continuing patterns of behavior ; 4 . The relationship between the parties involved ; and 5 . The context in which the alleged incidents occurred . Consequences for students who commit prohibited acts of bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension and / or expulsion . Consequences for district employees who permit , condone , or tolerate bullying or engage in an act of reprisal or intentional false reporting of bullying may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or discharge . Consequences for other individuals engaging in prohibited acts of bullying may include , but not be limited to , exclusion from district property and events and / or termination of services and / or contracts .
G . The district will act to investigate all complaints of bullying and will take appropriate action against any student or district employee who is found to have violated this policy . III . DEFINITIONS For purposes of this policy , the definitions included in this section apply .
A . Bullying is unwanted , aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance . The behavior is repeated , or has the potential to be repeated , over time . In order to be considered bullying , the behavior must be aggressive and include : 1 . An imbalance of power : Students who bully use their power — such as physical strength , access to embarrassing information , or popularity — to control or harm others . Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations , even if they involve the same people .
2 . Repetition : Bullying behaviors happen more than once , or have the potential to happen more than once . Bullying includes actions such as making threats , spreading rumors , attacking someone physically or verbally , and excluding someone from a group on purpose . There are three types of bullying :
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