Report to the Community 2012 | Page 11

FESTIVAL AUDIENCE EMPLOYMENT STATUS ANNUAL INCOME Base: All Melbourne Festival attendees (excluding ‘prefer not to say’); n= 1,633 Base: All Melbourne Festival attendee attendees (excluding ‘prefer not to say’) s; n= 1,286 Work  Status   Annual  Income   50%   Working  full-­‐:me   Working  part-­‐:me   16%   Self  employed   11%   15%   17%   $60,001  and  $80,000   6%   Working  casual   5%   $40,001  and  $60,000   8%   Student   Home  du:es   $20,001  and  $40,000   12%   Re:red  /  pensioner   Less  than  $20,000   14%   $80,001  and  $100,000   4%   20%   $100,001  and  $150,000   3%   Unemployed   1%   $150,001  and  $200,000   Other   1%   $200,000+   Base:  All  Melbourne  Fes:val  aNendees  (excluding  ‘prefer  not  to  say’);  n=  1,633   10%   9%   Base:  All  Melbourne  FesAval  aCendees  (excluding  ‘prefer  not  to  say’);  n=  1,286   ART EVENT INTEREST Base: All Melbourne Festival attendees; n= 1,697 * Multiple response; results may not add to 100% *Art  event  interests   Theatre   Film   Visual  Arts   Contemporary  Dance   Contemporary/Experimental  Music   World  Music   Classical  Music   Cabaret   Mul>media   Opera   Classical  Dance   Other   I  have  no  interest  in  the  arts   79%   72%   66%   60%   59%   43%   40%   40%   33%   32%   29%   6%   0%   Source: 2012 Audience Intercept Study_Intuitive Solutions 11