Report to the Community 2012 | Page 10

FESTIVAL AUDIENCE GENDER AGE Base: All Melbourne Festival attendees; n= 1,683 Base: All Melbourne Festival attendees; n= 1,683 18  –  24   Male   29%   5%   25  –  34   24%   35  –  44   24%   45  –  54   Female   71%   21%   55  –  64   19%   65  –  74   75+   7%   1%   Base:  All  Melbourne  Fesendees;  n=  1,683   EDUCATION Base: All Melbourne Festival attendee attendees (excluding ‘prefer not to say’); n= 1,652 Level  of  educa,on   Post  graduate  degree   46%   Under  graduate  degree   37%   Trade  cerDficate  /  Diploma   9%   Upper  secondary  school  (VCE)   7%   Lower  secondary  school   1%   Primary  school   0%   Other   1%   Base:  All  Melbourne  FesDval  aQendees  (excluding  ‘prefer  not  to  say’);  n=  1,652   Source: 2012 Audience Intercept Study_Intuitive Solutions 10