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overeating a whole lot better. This means that a greater portion of extra calories consumed will be used to build muscle instead of stored as fat. The problems plaguing most people who have trouble achieving the kind of body they desire are listed on the following pages. I’m sure most of you will recognize some, if not all of them and may be suffering from many of the symptoms. By following The Renegade Diet and lifestyle plan we can effectively address and correct each of these problems. Low Testosterone Levels For those who don’t know, testosterone is the male sex hormone. It’s responsible for building muscle, burning fat and making sure your equipment works properly. Females also have testosterone, just in lower amounts than males. That’s why they typically have less muscle and more bodyfat. These days, however, almost everyone has lower testosterone levels than they should; both male and female. This is an epidemic and nothing to be taken lightly. It must be seriously addressed if you want to maximize your performance and get in the best shape of your life. The average male today has a dramatically lower testosterone level than the average male from fifty years ago. Females need testosterone too, that is if they want to stay lean and build muscle. Only, in this day and age, they are also likely to have much less than they should have. Having high testosterone is a sign of virility, vitality, strength and power. It’s what makes you feel like a man. It’s what builds muscle and burns fat. If your testosterone is low, 10 T HE R ENEGADE D IET