Renegade Diet PDF / eBook Meal Plan Free Download Renegade Diet Book Program | Page 18

C HAPTER 1 T he Renegade Diet is designed to optimally manipulate your body’s hormonal output more effectively than any other way of eating you have ever tried before. Most people suffer from all of the same problems when it comes to getting healthy and transforming their bodies. A large number of these problems can be related to your bodyfat being too high. When it comes to addressing a lot of the issues that plague most people the fix can be as simple as losing fat and getting ripped. Someone at 20% bodyfat is almost guaranteed to have high estrogen as well as a host of other problems that would be virtually non existent at 10% bodyfat. So the most important thing to remember is that you need to get lean and stay lean first and foremost. That will do more for your health and performance than just about anything else. Getting lean will also make it significantly easier to build muscle and get bigger. That’s because when you are lean you have better insulin sensitivity and can tolerate carbs and T HE R ENEGADE D IET 9