Complexity mixed with French’s drive for four main benefits our clients love about SDIRA
designing simplicity created perfect storm for a Wealth’s investment solution, which are
solution. protection, acceleration, control, and
“Where there is complexity there is opportunity,”
French said. “When companies focus on After building and honing the solution, French
making things simple and easy for the end started focusing on telling people about it by
client, that’s when you start to innovate. We launching a nationwide affiliate campaign.
made real estate as easy
as a stock.”
“We are blessed to work
with some amazing
French said part of affiliate partners who are
making it easy has been wealth advisors,
about solving challenges. investment firms, and big
name influencers. They
“People want protection have same values and
from market volatility, they beliefs we do of disrupting
want a higher rate of status quo when it comes
return, they don’t like to retirement investing.
hidden fees, and they They have been waiting
want to have control of for something like this.”
how their retirement plan
is designed,” French said. SDIRA Wealth helps
“We have been able to affiliate partners best
solve all four. We do this serve their clients in their
with our solution by market.
utilizing an asset that has
been creating millionaires
“By offering an additional
for decades. That’s residential real estate.”
product to accelerate their clients’ portfolios and
reach their goals faster, our affiliate partners
From those four problems, SDIRA Wealth stand out in their market and attract more
created the acronym PACT, which stands for cliental,” French said. “Many say it’s the ace in
People Achieving Change Together. their back pocket that has allowed them to
satisfy their clients needs in ways they were not
“PACT started out small but now has become a able to before. Their clients see they truly care
movement across the country with our affiliate to represent all the investment choices allowing
partners,” French said. “It also represents the their clients to win in the end."