inside of their retirement accounts,” French said. education company that provides a great product
“Making something simple requires harder work and solves America’s retirement epidemic. Real
on the front side. You have to have the right talent estate just happens to be part of that solution.
and put enough time in to define the process. It’s We made the process simple and easy for
worth it in the end because you have a product everyone.”
that is innovative and easy to use.”
French and his team are passionate about
His bigpicture thinking combined with detailed
educating people about the benefits of real
actions has helped estate and Self
French make SDIRA Directed IRAs.
Wealth a gamechanger
“Our team is obsessed
for retirement planning.
with educating others
“The traditional way of about all the benefits
retirement investing has that SelfDirected IRAs
been broken for a long bring with the power of
time. Many people don’t real estate,” French
know the 401(k) plan was said. “Most of the
never meant to be the wealthy are already
main source of retirement doing it. Look at Mitt
funds that it is today, and Romney. He educated
sadly, pension plans himself and took action
have almost disappeared for him and his family.”
entirely. The problem is
Many people who
the money people are
setting aside for retirement isn’t producing invest in real estate are doing it the hard way,
enough of a return for them to actually live on and according to French.
maintain their standards of living in the future.”
“People expend a lot of their time finding
To solve the problem, French said they had to properties, dealing with the headaches of being
answer three questions. What do people want? a landlord, trying to find ways to finance and
What do people need? Can we bring value? leverage, and connecting all the players it takes
SDIRA Wealth’s solution answered all three. to make a real estate transaction work,” French
said. “That’s ok if you want to be an active
“All great companies solve a problem and create investor. But what if you wanted the investment
value,” French said. “We don’t look at ourselves to be passive and to use your retirement dollars
as a real estate investment company. We are an
while still following all the rules and regulations?”