ustin French is the kind of CEO empower his team. He takes inspiration from one
who understands collaboration is of the greats.
the core of innovation. With a
growing team that is now “Steve Jobs is a true innovator of our time,”
nationwide, French’s focus is on French said. “He wanted to change the world. He
the strength of its people.
did. He made an impact on everyone. He was
successful not because he suddenly realized
“I have always believed one of the best personal computers were his passion. That was
investments you can make, as a leader, is in the not it at all. He knew computers could change the
people you surround yourself with,” French said. world. He wanted to be part of something bigger
“Great leaders never try to do everything on their than himself.”
own. They know a great company is built by
everyone performing at their peak level. I spend French said he admired Jobs’ dedication for
most of my day working directly with my team and making things simple to use, and this simplicity
our affiliate partners so I can better equip them to mindset is something French helps cultivate at
be successful. In return, all of us at SDIRA Wealth SDIRA Wealth.
are collectively raising the bar and achieving our
“What we do as a company is remove the barriers
of having to deal with headaches of real estate,
French uses his businessoriented insights to
leaving our clients to enjoy all the benefits of it