REI Wealth Monthly Issue 01 | Page 53

PROFESSIONAL HOME BUYERS: BACK TO THE HEART JASON GROTE In The Seller’s Shoes: They are in a situation where 3. Your Professional E-mail Response – they need help and they are looking to you, the Though a phone call is the preferred method home buyer, for a quick and informative response. of communication, not everyone will want to The initial expectation of your performance is being talk on the phone initially so you must take the set in their mind as to how and when you will opportunity to build a relationship with the respond. The auto-responder allows them to wait potential seller through an engaging e-mail patiently for your phone call or email. By responding response. Just like a phone conversation, you as promised, trust and confidence are built because want to ask questions. their expectation was met. As we will discover later, engage you and share their situation with you. these are the keys to buying their home. The more they tell you, the stronger the relationship being built. Get the seller to Formulate your e- Let Them Hear Your Voice – In my website mails professionally. When I receive an e-mail form, I make the phone number a required field. without a salutation or without a name, it I suggest that at the minimum, you make this makes me feel unimportant to them. field available. Why? E-mail conversations are thought is, “Wow, they are so busy that they great a could only type this short, cryptic e-mail to relationship of some kind. You need to make a me.” This is not the thought you want going connection with your lead, a person with a through your potential seller’s head as they need that you can fulfill. A phone conversation are seeking to engage you in a real estate is more personal than an e-mail but not as transaction. Remember, for many, the selling much as a face-to-face conversation. This is or buying of a house is the single largest where you begin to build a relationship, don’t financial transaction they will make their entire miss this opportunity by hiding behind an email! 2. life! for people In The Seller’s Shoes: that already have In a world of crazy- In The Seller’s Shoes: My It is about meeting the busyness, a phone call tells the seller that you are seller where they are comfortable. If they prefer e- serious about what you do and that you care mail, go with email. Be flexible as you begin enough about their situation to take the time and working with your leads. Don’t put every potential have a phone conversation. In the next articles I seller in a box and force your methods upon them. will discuss how to win the seller over the phone. Compose Only 10% of my leads would prefer to have an at- friendliness. He who wants to make friends must length e-mail conversation. show himself as friendly! convert these. I typically do not your e-mails with respect and