The Centre for Recording Achievement (CRA)
What is it: The Centre for Recording Achievement is a membership organisation, registered educational
charity and community of practice that promotes the value of both recording achievement and reflective action
planning as important elements for learning and for progression throughout life. The CRA’s members are
primarily drawn from education, training and employment in the UK and internationally. It aims to support,
promote and disseminate innovative and effective practices.
Rationale: The CRA community supports members and others to use recording achievement and reflective
action planning in any stage of their career so as to bring about strategic and practical change. Members gain
the support, expertise and benefit from the community of practice network of the CRA to enhance their own
work and that of their learners and organisation. The community brings together a wide range of expertise to
support members and others to use recording achievement and action planning in order to bring about such
Submitting to On Reflection
‘On Reflection’ is intended as an inclusive journal with a practitioner focus. We aim to encourage
practitioners to share their practice and learning to the benefit of us all.
If you would like to submit an entry we welcome contributions under the following headings
Personal reflections on practice (or an aspect of practice) related to any aspect of PDP,
ePortfolio, recording achievement or related activities. - Up to 2,500 words.
Accounts of current practice, in one of three forms:
Longer narrative accounts -Up to 2,500 words.
Shorter case studies produced in a common format, using an agreed template - Up to 750 words,
using the template supplied at add url
Reports of conference or seminar presentations. - Up to 750 words. These may as presented at
the event, or refined following a presentation/workshop
Findings from research and/or evaluation (including research reports)
Up to 1,500 words, with references to longer reports as appropriate.
Forthcoming attractions (i.e. events, publications or initiatives of key interest to the
readership). Up to 150 words per item.