Who are we talking to?
David Pierce - [email protected]
The Centre for Recording Achievement
Welcome to the new On Reflection. We have tried to give it a neater and tidier appearance and
as a consequence to make it more attractive and easier to read. Not only that, of the 27 issues
so far, this is our biggest ever edition. We hope you like the changes and we urge readers to let
us know what they think about them. But knowing that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover,
what about the contents? It’s packed with a collection of wide-ranging articles from the world of
CRA. From Birmingham, Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire, from Scotland and Ulster, CRA
members have contributed a fascinating assortment of articles about their work. On Reflection
thanks all our contributors; it cannot survive without your help.
But on casting my eye down the contents page of this edition your editor began to wonder what
a non-member of CRA might make of it all. Articles are concerned with ‘Black carrots and bug
hotels’. They refer to ‘patchwork text assessments’ and ‘digital storytelling’. What might ‘Using the
HEAR as a tool’ mean to the uninformed? Or the snappy phrase ‘HEAR almost here’? One might
even develop an amusing game for inclusion in Have I Got News for You? Of course all
specialisms develop a language of their own. Whether that is to improve communication amongst
themselves or to build barriers between themselves and others I am not sure. In our case the
potpourri of ideas and experiences described within have one thing at least in common. They are
all aimed at encouraging and enhancing learning by people, young and old, at work or play, in
education or not. Behind those phrases the objectives are undeniably laudable ones.
David Pierce
Associate Director