Why ? Despite the processed gunk that crowds our diet today , humans are designed to thrive on a diet that consists mostly of fruits , vegetables , nuts , and seeds . When we give our bodies the foods they are meant to eat rather than the ones manufacturers provide , our cellular structure flourishes so that good health shines from the inside out , the toxic load is eliminated , and suddenly we find ourselves looking and feeling amazing . When you start drinking red smoothies regularly , you will notice some changes , beginning with the way your skin looks and feels . Don ’ t be surprised if some of the “ normal ” signs of aging – wrinkles , spots , and tired eyes – clear up quickly . Your eyes will take on a whole new sparkle that reflects vibrant health !
� Excellent Digestibility
Red smoothies are easy for your body to digest , and they are very easy to metabolize , so your body gets all the benefits of the ingredients they contain . Solid foods are harder for the body to digest and metabolize , so you may not be getting all the nutrients they contain when you eat them . You will probably notice the smoothies beginning to do their work as soon as you begin drinking them – and this is because the nutrition they contain is so highly bioavailable ! Because the blender has masticated the smoothie ingredients into tiny pieces , your digestive system does not have to work as hard to extract nutrients . Once your smoothie reaches your small intestine , nutrients are absorbed and
Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller 37 support @ redsmoothiedetoxfactor . com