Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 36
decreases insulin resistance, and improves sleep apnea.
Inflammation that leads to strokes and heart attacks drops
with a weight loss of ten percent or higher. 4
A staggering number of Americans are overweight, and
obesity is a problem that compounds other health prob-
lems. Even when we have just a few pounds to lose, we
reap benefits by shedding the excess weight! If you are
hoping to lose weight, you will not be disappointed by
your newfound red smoothie habit. These delicious blends
are so tasty that they seem like forbidden treats, but their
high water content, fiber, and nutritious ingredients let you
enjoy them in abundance while staying full, reducing the
cravings that accompany most weight loss plans, and feel-
ing no sense of deprivation.
Improved Health
Think back to the time when you felt healthiest, and imag-
ine yourself feeling that good – or even better – again. When
you’re healthy, you feel as if you are bursting with energy.
You look and feel vibrant, and life is wonderfully enjoyable.
What’s the secret? Because red smoothies are filled with
vital nutrients, consuming them on a regular basis leads
to excellent energy levels and a vibrant, radiant look that
people are likely to comment on. No matter what your age,
you’ll look and feel better when you consume a diet high in
natural foods.
Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller