Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 26
What Happens on the 14-Day
Red Smoothie Cleanse?
The 14-day red smoothie cleanse is a detox program that’s
designed to help you lose weight while gaining energy,
reducing the cravings that keep you coming back to the
foods and drinks that are causing some of your problems
in the first place, and improving your overall health. You
will be detoxifying your body by eliminating certain foods
for 14 days and reprogramming your taste buds to prefer
foods that contribute to your health rather than detracting
from it.
During this period of time, your body will receive the high-
est-quality nutrition while working to clear your vital
organs and cells of toxins that have been built up over
time. The red fruits, greens, and superfoods you’ll be con-
suming are filled with the vitamins, minerals and nutrients
your body needs to work at peak efficiency, allowing your
cells to renew themselves quickly to that you begin to feel
and even look younger. The sludge and waste that’s clog-
ging your body now? It’ll be gone – and clearing it is some-
thing even the most advanced plastic surgery and the most
expensive anti-aging creams can’t do.
As your cells regain health, your skin will take on a more
youthful appearance. Friends may begin to wonder where
your wrinkles, dark under-eye circles, and dry, tired skin
went! As unbelievable as it may seem now, you really will
begin to feel younger, healthier, and much more energetic.
Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller
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